St. George Church fundraises for displaced Syrian Christians

( - Please help us meet our goal. Help rebuild the lives of many oppressed Syrian Christian refugees. Help donate now; God loves a cheerful giver. If it is not now, then when? If it is not you, then who shall give?

We opened this fundraiser, heavy-hearted and with a visionary mind, to alleviate the pain and suffering of the Christian Syrian victims of war, who are fleeing for their lives.

Terrorists are targeting and persecuting our Syrian Christian communities to extinction. Families are becoming obliterated. Many of these people are coming to the Lehigh Valley seeking refuge, shelter, food, jobs, and much more. While our church is looking to enlarge the base of our services for the suffering and oppressed, we discovered Mary's Immaculate Missionary Center that is for sale. The Center will meet all our church needs and help the poor, deprived,displaced, and the homeless. We are interested in purchasing this Center for the greater good of our vast Syrian church community and to help those in need in our community at large.

"For I was hungry, and ye gave me food: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: I was naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me" - Matthew 25:35-36.

We come to you with hopeful expectations. Please consider our situation and enable us as "Our Good Samaritans" to give hope to the hopeless, to restore broken homes and the hearts of many. Your donation now will make a difference and help rebuild lives. Please give
according to your ability and joyful heart.
Fundraising website here.


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