No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.


  1. AbbaMoses, please keep them coming - funniest thing I have read all day 😀 :-)

  2. Is this an RC or an "Orthodox" 'service'?

    1. I am gonna go out on a limb here and say that I have a high degree of confidence that this is NOT Orthodox. Whether it is Roman Catholic or some flavor of liturgical Protestantism is an open question.

  3. Pfft... at least they aren't "in the Dark Ages". They must have consulted with someone from Fordham.

  4. Takes care of any concerns about who can approach the chalice. Just say "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" as everyone dips in the pool and you're all covered.

  5. 1. How did they consecrate that floating "altar" without melting it with the burning incense?

    2. How do they genuflect in this service?

  6. Why? Just why? In ANY faith tradition.

  7. Since people asked "Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio - Youth and Summer Camp Program"

    1. And at $260 for a week, disgustingly expensive for seeking Poseidon.

  8. Make-believe sacraments from a make-believe "church". Phew! But to showyou thestate of the Church, I was ready to believe it was a Roman Mass.

  9. Instead of liturgical dancers they have liturgical synchronized swimmers.

  10. In order to break the rigid traditionalists of their medieval habit of kneeling during the consecration, the modern priest may be forced to make it dangerous, if not impossible, to do so.

  11. In order to break the rigid traditionalists of their medieval habit of kneeling during the consecration, the modern priest may be forced to make it dangerous, if not impossible, to do so.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. And let all who thirst, let them come to the water....

  14. If this is really a supposed service, it tells you just about all you need to know about the Western world right now, and about the state of Episcopalianism. Those poor young people. Even more, our poor Lord. This is what people think is worship of Him? He deserves better.

  15. If this is really a supposed service, it tells you just about all you need to know about the Western world right now, and about the state of Episcopalianism. Those poor young people. Even more, our poor Lord. This is what people think is worship of Him? He deserves better.

  16. Baptism and communion combo.... great economy of style.


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