Bishop Gregory of Nyssa on the election


  1. Democracy is completely relativistic. Where is the support for democratic rule in traditional Church teachings?

  2. Forgive me....but I was very saddened by this "sermon." There is one political platform which champions abortion-on-demand. There is one political platform which champions euthanasia. There is one political platform which defends Planned Parenthood and their mission of selling murdered baby organs for profit.

    I believe it was the responsibility of His Grace, to let his flock know that one side supports the killing of our most vulnerable population.... the ones without a choice....the ones without a voice. It is his responsibility to his flock to let them know the differences between the parties. He does not have to call candidates by their names. I have heard many Roman Catholic pastors speak about this subject so that their flocks can be properly informed. And yet I have not heard one Orthodox priest or bishop talk about this from the pulpit.

    Lord have mercy.

  3. I as well Mikail. How blinded by the evil one any human being must be not to recognize the multiple holocausts in our midst, systematically killing multiple innocents and vulnerable of all ages and mental capacities, turning human beings into "its" for disposal when too expensive or inconvenient. Rome and Nazi Germany are looking mild by comparison. We have a chance to try to stop or slow these multiple holocausts. I fail to see what considerations are "more important" than the physical lives of the vulnerable and the souls of all who are directly responsible or accessories by staying home or staying silent when they cry out to us for protection. Our vote is one non-violent, Christian way to stand for them. And though it says a lot about the Orthodox priests and bishops that they are silent, the Emperor without clothes is clearly visible to the simplest and truest among us. My Archbishop Vladika Dmitri of blessed memory told me after his retirement (when someone else was in charge of the Cathedral) "We must save lives whenever we can" as he blessed me to go pray with Roman Catholics when no Orthodox priests or deacons were allowed to go with me to pray lovingly at Planned Parenthood, nor was an announcement allowed to the parish to ask for co-prayers, by the priest then in charge. I believe our truth loving Vladika of blessed memory spoke more truly for Orthodoxy than those priests who are silent or minimize the importance of the issues at hand. Throwing one's vote away or directly voting for the platform and candidate who espouse more holocausts makes us an accessory to intrinsic evil, some with more culpability than others. God have mercy on our souls.

  4. Poor bishop!Hilary wants to destroy what is left of traditional Christian morality in this country and this bishop cannot even say that to vote for a party that is anti-Christian is to participate in their evil??? Poor man! Lord have mercy!

  5. Nothing is said and done but with the hand of God.

  6. What a nice public service announcement. Brought back long-lost memories of sermons I used to hear when I was a Protestant. Ably-delivered, well-spoken, congenial sermons. Light on the Christianity stuff. Based on this "talk" alone I'd say this is a bishop the "Nones" could be happy with.

    1. Gregory,

      Thanks for putting into words what I was feeling but could not quite put my finger on...

  7. I don't know why Bp Gregory was lying to the people saying that English was the offical language by one vote over Greek???????? Greek was never considered. The legend was English and German. Also the USA has no official language. I hope the people in the pews ignored that part of the talk.


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