Energetic Procession is back!

Longtime readers will know that I've been a devotee of the Energetic Procession blog for some time. It was a blow to see it go into hiatus some years ago, but today there is a timely resurrection in content. Please do head over there, bookmark or RSS/ATOM subscribe to it, and enjoy forthcoming posts.


  1. I won't consider them "back" until they write on a relevant topic.

  2. Mr. Robinson is the guy who disagree's with D.B. Hart's take on human will and how Hart interprets St. Maximus right?

  3. If anyone knows about free will and its theological and philosophical ramifications, it would be Perry Robinson. He still holds to all the Orthodox Councils and venerates all the saints, something that can't be said for DBH, who publicly promotes Origen as a saint, blasphemes against Emperor St Justinian the Great, and disparages the 5th Ecumenical Council. Lord have mercy.

    1. Oh, and DBH is a universalist (apokatastasis of persons) and denies an eternal hell.

    2. All too true Michael, and I myself had considered starting a blog around this very subject. I was going to call it "the Joyful Infernalist" - obviously inspired by DBH. In the end, the subject however is too narrow and I think that one risks ending up like Fr. Aidan over at Eclectic Orthodoxy: so single minded and eccentric that you become a parady of a preacher. Besides, Orthodoxy is so rapidly being overrun by the secular quest for Justice and Equality (around women's ordination, homosexualist "families", etc.) that a resurgence of Orgen/Nyssa line of universalism seems trivial in comparison.

      In any case, I have only a shallow relationship with Mr. Robinson's work so I was trying to confirm that this was the same person. Thanks!


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