Bp. Demetrios steps away from Chicago following election

Some people emailed asking about what Bp. Demetrios was going to do following the election of an Archimandrite to fill the empty see. Here's your answer.

(GOA-Chicago) - Dear Colleagues, Co-Ministers, and Friends,

As a new Metropolitan of Chicago has been elected and will soon be enthroned, I will be starting a one-year sabbatical beginning February 10, 2018. Throughout my ministry in the Holy Metropolis of Chicago, I have been blessed by working with so many gifted, talented and generous persons. To all with whom I have shared this time, I wanted to express my deepest gratitude as I embark on a new path and journey.
I pray that the Metropolitan-Elect of Chicago will come to enjoy his time with you as have I, and that you will continue to pray for me as I do for you.

Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos


  1. ONE YEAR "sabbatical"? The most important thing our hierarchs learn to do is swipe a credit card. Needs to stop.


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