A Prayer to Holy Armenian Martyrs

(Armenian Church) - As Armenian Christians across the globe mark this day, April 24, as the “Feast of the Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide,” the Eastern Diocese offers a prayer of intercession to our multitude of saints who gave their lives for Christ in the opening decades of the 20th century:

A Prayer of Intercession

Christ our God, you crown your saints with triumph and you do the will of all who fear you,
looking after your creatures with love and kindness.

Hear us from your heavenly realm by the intercession of the Holy Mother of God and by
the prayers of all your saints, especially the Holy Martyrs who gave their lives during the
Armenian Genocide for faith and for the homeland, whom we commemorate today.

Hear us Lord, and show us your mercy. Forgive, redeem and pardon our sins.
Make us worthy thankfully to glorify you with the Father and with the Holy Spirit.
Now and always unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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We encourage you to view a special episode of “Bread and Salt: Stories from the Armenian Church," which revisits the monumental April 2015 canonization service, and explains how the church now regards the Holy Martyrs of 1915.


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