"Patriarch?" Filaret "the former Metropolitan of Kyiv?"

Moscow, October 13 (Interfax) - The Synod of the Constantinople Patriarchate has reinstated the primate of the Kiev Patriarchate, Filaret Denisenko, as an hierarch but does not see him as the patriarch, according to a Phanar hierarch.

Archbishop Job (Getcha), who represents the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the World Council of Churches, said in his correspondence with Russian Orthodox Church protodeacon Andrey Kurayev that Phanar deemed Filaret to be "the former Metropolitan of Kiev."

Archbishop Job said in response to the protodeacon's question about the Church rank of Denisenko in the eyes of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, "To my knowledge, he is the former Metropolitan of Kiev."

This means that the Ecumenical Patriarchate has acknowledged the legitimately of Filaret but views him as a former Metropolitan of Kiev.

"Filaret said yesterday that he 'was, is, and will be patriarch', but this is just a self-presentation. His conduct already buried Phanar's autocephaly project in 2008. The old man is walking down the same road," Kurayev said in his blog.


  1. So that conversation took place of the facebook wall of the KP "bishop" Evstratii, who responded by accusing Dn Kuraev of being a "paid agent"... then, of course, deleted the whole thread.

  2. An ontological feat! Perhaps the first time something (or someone) gained the status of "having been" without ever actually "being." Leave it to the EP.

    1. No, he was metropolitan (not patriarch)of Kiev for like 30 years before being deposed, defrocked and anathematized.

    2. My point was that he passed from never having been patriarch to no longer being patriarch within actually being patriarch.

    3. He was passed over for Patriarch of Moscow in favor of Alexis II. Then, he "suddenly" discovered his Ukrainian roots so he could be a Patriarch after all.
      Interestingly enough, he headed the MP delegation to the OCA back in '75. He was then a young Metropolitan of Kiev. He was received at St. Tikhon's and elsewhere with open arms. When he spoke in Ukrainian, it was with a heavy Russian accent. Back in the USSR, he never spoke Ukrainian in public in those days.

  3. I'm interested to see if Moscow follows through with what they said they would do if the EP granted autocephaly:

    1) Break Eucharistic communion

    2) Essentially supplant the EP in Turkey with MP parishes since the number of Russian Orthodox in Turkey far outnumbers the number of EP adherents.

    Moscow is meeting today in Minsk so I guess we shall see

    1. 2) would be quite reckless and also very difficult to implement, as the Turkish government is unlikely to grant them any parishes. If they actually do as one writer suggested and recognize the "Turkish Orthodox Church" then they are really asking for trouble, as this is a tiny weird group with some serious fascist leanings.

    2. It’s done. All sacramental communion severed. http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/5283737.html

    3. This is very extensive in that the laity are included, assuming the Google translation is correct.

  4. Yeah. I’m stuck between my local ACROD church and the Russian Orthodox Church I grew up in. I can’t in good conscience continue to commune myself and my sons with Constantinople after the Russian synod Decision today. We shall see what the other autocephalous churches decide. I am overcome with sadness.


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