A phalanx of flatware


  1. That is what we have been doing in our Byzantine Catholic church with the approval of Bishop Kurt - everyone has their own spoon to receive. My son holds the tray with clean spoons and I hold the tray with used spoons.

  2. Well, it will pass. The gates of hell will not prevail, even against the spoons.
    More seriously, I'm tired of "Gotcha!"s against bishops who are trying to do the best for their flock in an unprecedented situation. I disagree with some; I obey the bishop over me until he preaches heresy, which is not going to happen.

  3. So to be clear, being in church with full attendance, too dangerous, not worth the risk, using a single spoon, too dangerous.

    Marching with thousands of strangers for a nice photo op, acceptable and worth the risk? It’s no wonder my Greek friends are peeved about the mixed signals.

  4. Don't let it confuse you--for each course, always use the spoon on the right.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5e0TVUC_ko

  6. If "essentiality " is the condensed symbol of the Body, then the spoon is the substance in this world of the bread... ;)

  7. They are lovely ice tea spoons. Cheap too.


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