Paschal services resource now available in Khmer

(ROC) - The Cambodian deanery of the diocese of Thailand, the Patriarchate Exarchate of South-East Asia, has published the Khmer version of the Paschal divine service including the Paschal matins, Hours and the Divine Liturgy. The translation was made with a blessing of the Patriarchal Exarch for South-East Asia, Metropolitan Sergiy of Singapore and South-East Asia and under the guidance of the secretary of the diocese of Thailand, Archimandrite Oleg (Cherepanin).

The project was coordinated by Hieromonk Paisius (Opate), rector of the St. George church in Phnom Penh. The rector of the St. Panteleimon church in Sihanoukville, Rev. Roman Postnikov, was responsible for the editing. The translation was drafted by D. Yu. Okhvat, the Khmer language and literature lecturer, Chair of the Philology of South-East Asia, Eastern faculty of St. Petersburg University.

It was decided to present copies of the book as a Paschal gift to all Khmer parishioners. The translation is also available in electronic version on the website of the Russian Orthodox Church’s parishes in Cambodia.


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