Alexandria further reflects on Russian incursion
(Church of Alexandria) - In the name of the Triune God, we gathered in the Great City of Alexandria at the invitation of His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa and with feelings of responsibility towards its flock and its centuries old historical Apostolic journey, the Hierarchs of the legendary and Ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria, following its meeting, examining in multiple and in various ways the canonical parameters of the anti-canonical and anti-ecclesiastical incursion of the Russian Patriarchate to create new "ecclesiastical formations in Africa", announces the following:
Already in the past few years, due to the fact of the recognition on behalf of His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, of the Autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, we suddenly received the immoral invasion and incursion of the Russian Church by methods of denying the ecclesiastical way and tradition, which all the late predecessors of Patriarch Kirill of Russia, respected, for the acquisition of native Clergy of our Patriarchate, as a direct imposition of retaliatory measures and consequently of blackmail or revenge against us. Already, following announcement of the 29th of December 2021, by the Patriarchate of Moscow, we now have the official decisions, and from them, statements of the Church of Russia and interviews of its executives, regarding the completely illegal establishment of an "Exarchate", on the basis of its internal "statutes" and not canonical provisions, within the boundaries of our Patriarchate, consisting of clergymen who have removed themselves, or those who under penance and of other unknown origin self-described as Orthodox, but never having belonged to the Patriarchate of Alexandria.
Through these actions, an attempt is made to alter Orthodox Ecclesiology in many of its individual parameters, but mainly in the issue of the limits of the administrative conformation of the structures of the Church of Christ, with motives starting far from the Orthodox Tradition. It is with regret that we understand that these always stem from reasons of ill will, and are infected by the "virus of ethnic hatred" condemned by the Synod of 1872.
Of course, the secular spirit is not absent from these decisions, still referring to the parameters of "neo-colonialism" and claiming world primacy, known from times past οn the afflicted African continent, and not in agreement with the sacrificial in spirit ministry of our sanctified Orthodox Tradition.
The Synod of the Hierarchy of the Alexandrian Throne, in distressed astonishment, protests to the Patriarch of Russia and to his Synod. Astonished, because for us "the followers of our Holy Fathers", the boundaries of each sister local Church are clear, geographical and mapped by Ecumenical Synods and are worthy of respect..
We protest because in practice we have never been involved in the borders of any local sister Church, much less in the Russian Church. This is not only because the message of evangelical love is altered in this way, but also because having fought for a century and coexisting with various denominations and religions in a spirit of mutual respect and understanding, we receive a non-fraternal blow from Russinas who have the same religion.
We consider that through these methods the essence of our Orthodox faith is once again brutally violated and most especially in the sensitive field of Mission in Africa, which is “nourished” by us “as an infant with milk and not by solid theological sustenance” according to the expression of Paul, which is for us a principle and measure, which guides our Apostolic efforts.
To this end it was decided that:
A) To advise the Venerable Ecumenical Patriarchate and the local Churches through their Primates, by delivered Patriarchal Letters, which will describe the “plague” of confusion which has fallen on “our children born in Christ”, the faithful Africans, a consequence of the manifest and invisible actions of the commissioned persons of the Russian Church, and
B) The faithful and direct application of the provisions, of the Divine and Holy Canons, of Ecclesiastical Penalties, to the transgressors.
On the one hand, it is certainly true that Russia has no business making African clergy swear oaths of loyalty for life to Moscow, as they are; it would be better to create some sort of temporary structures meant to last only for the duration of Alexandria's fall into heresy. On the other hand, Alexandria *is* promoting a heresy, which the Russian church has rightly (though perhaps for the wrong reasons) condemned. There is also a certain absurdity in a mostly Greek-run church condemning Russians for neo-imperialism (and if the Greeks are 'a tribe of South Africa', as the Patriarchate now claims, so are the Russians).
ReplyDeleteDionysius Redington
Lubbock TX
Norman "Dionysius" Redington,
DeleteWhat heresy do you refer to? Cite the relevant canons which condemn this heresy that Alexandrian has fallen in to please. You see, I don't think you even know what "heresy" means, but we will see ;)
Also, are you a fighter pilot?!?
Although canons and councils have identified various heresies, heresy itself is simply the dogmatic assertion of a proposition contrary to the Truth. St. John Damascene non-exhaustively lists 103, including paganism, Judaism, Islam, and at 103 something very like Protestantism. The present patriarch of Constantinople long kept on his official webpage a paper by Abp. Elpidophoros asserting that every council of bishops necessarily has a primus who represents God the Father; needless to say, the primus primorum is the Patriarch of Constantinople. The paper goes on to assert that anyone who denies this is an heretic (Elpidophoros's word, not mine). This theological opinion has been used to justify more than just the intrusions in Ukraine. It also is related to Pat. Bartholomew's claim that the Church 'cannot exist' without the see of Constantinople, a statement that is prima facie absurd and historically false. Because these teachings are false, and because they are being asserted dogmatically by the hierarchy, they seem to me to meet the definition of heresy. Pat. Bartholomew's language about the Greek 'race' and its apparently special ontological status is also heretical (ethnophyletist) unless meant purely as rather stupid hyperpatriotic rhetoric with no substantive meaning; it must be admitted, however, that Moscow and probably all old-country Orthodox jurisdictions are also ethnophyletist.
DeleteAll the above references are from memory, but I believe them to be accurate. If I am wrong, I would be glad to see evidence of it.
I am not a fighter pilot. I assume that question is some sort of in-joke?
Dionysius Redington
Lubbock TX
YYes, I'm trying to be jocular about a conver in Lubbock affecting Byzantine and Slavic culture by calling themselves "Dionysius" and the like. I know, who am I to question *authentic* Orthodox piety ;) Unfortunately (though I really think it is for the better) you will always be for me Norman "Dionysius " Reddington, the Ace of Dogma, the Red Barron of Heresy, the Chuck Yeager of Ecclesiology - to me...because of my own failings...forgive me a sinner... :)
DeleteSeriously though, did not Elpidophoros say more than that, and somewhat differently? I don't have to agree with his strong emphasis on primacy to know its close to the mark as it *was actually practiced* when the Roman Empire was around, has always been thought of among the Greeks, and was even among the Slavs until the much more recent "federation" Ecclesiology (which in its current form, is only about 100 years old). I know American/protestant converts (I am one by the way) are deathly afraid of anything that hints of what they think is "Popish" ecclesiology, but the fact (and it is a historical/ecclesiological *fact*) that in both spirit and letter the Imperial cannons grant Old Rome and New Rome (but not Third Rome) real primacy with practical privelages/duties, like the right of appeal. Russia and "federationists" in western Texas might not like this, but to call it a "heresy" is theological and historical nonsense - it existed, was normative for most of this Imperial Church's history, and while it is impotent and irrelevant now, its still on the (canonical) law books. Sure, its inconvenient Russia's and your novel way of thinking, but its not "heresy".
Don't get me wrong, Met. Elpidophoros is slicker than a west Texas oil man, and I don't trust him any farther than I can through him. Still, he knows what he is talking about even behind the spin, certainly more than "the barnstormer of Principle" from Lubbock does ;)
What you call "federation" ecclesiology isn't anything new-- it's the normal ecclesiology of all the churches apart from Constantinople and Rome, historically. A classical expression of it can be found in the writings of the 11th century Patriarch of Antioch Peter III, who during the schism insisted on the absolute equality of patriarchal sees and, in another dispute with Michael Cerularius, which he won, very pointedly insisted that "the Apostolic See of Antioch is not under that of Constantinople."
DeleteAntioch has a long history of questioning the spiritual authority of the Roman Empire in general, and Constantinople in particular. With the rise of St. Constantine's new city, the position of Antioch had dropped, not only in the diptychs, but also in understood political significance.
DeleteThe Monophysite heresy in Syria probably existed for political reasons mostly and as a stand against the Roman Empire and Constantinople's position. Yet it was the theological obstinacy of the Monophysites that paved the way for the rapid takeover of Islam later on. Now all four of the ancient Patriarchates suffer today under Muslim rule.
Are we living in 2022 or 1022,,,, time to realize that many of the ancient canons are ancient,,,and that the divine right of patriarchs is no longer relevant for it breeds mediocracy,,,if in these times Russia can do it better, then so be it,,if the ancients can't compete so be it. We have a responsibility as Christians to be Christian and follow the teachings of Jesus, which are to evangelize and save souls,,,not to perpetuate an archaic and many times corrupt past,,,,we need to learn to play nicely in the sand box and work with each other's as peers. No has a divine right and must earn the right to lead,,,,and I personally see that our present leader is Moscow yet I pray that there is an American leader, a widower,with a mba, who is American born, waiting in the wings to bring a one United American church into being and thereby create the newest, strongest,and most successful patriarchate . God willing.
ReplyDeleteYou don't NEED a patriarch to have an orthodox church. Patriarch, Metropolitan, Archbishop, all are just honorary titles for a bishop.
ReplyDeleteBut aren't we title focused,,,the externalities give all of us orgasms yet it is all in place of the internalities of the faith. The faith is rich and mystical yet we blasphame it by focusing on titles, who was consecrated on the first Tuesday of fifth month by three men who were consecrated one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one at night. Do you get the point, we need to get back to Bible basics and understand that orthodox is not a noun but is an adjective that modifies the noun Christian....all of this infighting is an embarrassment and we become the joke of the Christian world. As we fight and debate the other demonations are stealing our flock and we do not seem to care,,,,it is tragic, simply tragic,,,I weep
DeleteThe sheer hypocrisy of Moscow really is stunning. Constantinople is exaggerating the role of the first among equals - although perhaps not in receiving petitions from the ridiculously prolonged conflicts in Ukraine - but at least they are honest about it! Moscow proclaims its orthodoxy and orthopraxy and adherence to all that is right and good and canonical with its lips...and then crosses the seas and continents to bind others with these laws that it cannot bother to keep itself. "Scribes and pharisees, hypocrites!" God help us all...
ReplyDeleteTit for tat. If the Greek Patriarch is going to "fix" a situation in Russia/Ukraine, then the Russian Patriarch is going to make better job offers to African priests.
DeleteIn other slights, there are well-established Antiochian Orthodox dioceses in Central and South America, but the Greek Patriarch starts "Mayan Orthodoxy."
I think there's also some issues with Jerusalemite parishes in the US. I guess Levantines and Palestinians don't get along? They did in my old parish but maybe that's not the case with more recent arrivals. No idea.
The OCA has been treated pretty shabbily. What is ROCOR doing here?
The battle for the world is on. The ecclesial canons no more align with social and geopolitical reality than the Old Calendar does with the celestial bodies. The hierarchy has known about this problem for several centuries but sees the Americas as just a giant cash cow and not real countries with real flocks.
I used to wonder earnestly about who was complying with ecclesiological rules and who wasn't but now I really don't care. The bishops and their canons will be taken seriously when they act seriously.
"... The ecclesial canons no more align with social and geopolitical reality than the Old Calendar does with the celestial bodies. The hierarchy has known about this problem for several centuries but sees the Americas as just a giant cash cow and not real countries with real flocks.
DeleteI used to wonder earnestly about who was complying with ecclesiological rules and who wasn't but now I really don't care. The bishops and their canons will be taken seriously when they act seriously."
Amen Brother! Preach it! Seriously, this is right (I'm bookmarking it ;) ), but lets not put it all on the bishops, or even most of it, because fact is most of their flock has not interesting in anything other than the status quo.
"Might makes right" is the usual justification of the world, and wasn't this the main rationalization behind Charlemagne's "Holy Roman Empire" and the eventual schism of 1054?
ReplyDeleteThe false "second" Rome of Charlemagne still exists, now in the person of Pope Francis. So why create another false Rome?
God's power is manifest in human weakness. This is the way of the Cross. Christ's disciples were scandalized by the Cross and fled. Perhaps today is no different.