Russian Church publishes new prayers for soldiers

(ROC) [machine translated] - At the meeting of the Holy Synod on December 29, 2022 (Journal No. 131), the texts of the following prayers were approved for home reading:
  • to the Most Holy Theotokos about the soldiers on the battlefield;
  • mother to the Most Holy Theotokos about a warrior on the battlefield;
  • to our Lord Jesus Christ about a soldier wounded on the battlefield;
  • mother to the Most Holy Theotokos about the healing of a warrior who was wounded on the battlefield;
  • mother (relatives) to the Most Holy Theotokos about the deliverance of soldiers (warrior), in captivity of beings (existing);
  • to the saints about the deliverance of soldiers in captivity;
  • to the Most Holy Theotokos about the missing soldiers.


Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for warriors on the battlefield

Most Holy Theotokos, our warm Intercessor and Salvation to all who call on Thee! Not imams of other help, unless you, the Lady, are you the only hope and our hope. Do not despise our tears and do not reject fervent prayers, but save from death and save our warriors [name] from troubles on the battlefield. Strengthen their spirit, confirm in the commandments of Thy Son, increase their faith, enlighten the mind, give courage in battles, yes, having undefiled military service, they will return safe and sound to their homes and glorify the most holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and Your merciful intercession. Amen.

Prayer to the mother to the Most Holy Theotokos for a warrior, on the battlefield

To whom shall I cry, O Lady, to whom shall we sing the grief of my heart, if not to Thee, the Queen of Mercy? My soul is troubled and my spirit is despondent, but soon hear my prayer, strengthen faith, protect with patience and revive with good hope. Holy Mother of God, Virgin Pure! Intercede, save, cover with Your mercy my child, the warrior [name], on the battlefield of the existing, confirm him in the true faith, protect enemies visible and invisible from malice, keep him safe and sound, give strength to your military service, like a cross, without blemish carry and pack him back to your father's house. Amen.

Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ for a warrior wounded on the battlefield

Lord, Jesus Christ our God, through the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the honest and life-giving Cross, by the intercession of the honest heavenly Powers of the incorporeal, holy doctors and healers: the Apostle and Evangelist Luke, the holy miracle workers and unmercenaries Cyrus and John, Cosmas and Damian, the holy Great Martyr Panteleimon and his teacher Yermolai, the Monk Agapit of the Caves, the saint of the Crimean land and the confessor Luke, heal your warrior [name], wounded by wounds on the battlefield, console him with hope for You and strengthen the Orthodox faith. Hear, O Lord, Lover of mankind, the sighs of his kinsman. Yes, having risen from the bed of illness, he will serve and work for You until the end of his life and glorify Thee, who heals and heals everything, with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to the mother to the Most Holy Theotokos for the healing of a warrior who was wounded on the battlefield

To whom shall I cry, Lady? To whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to Thee, Queen of Heaven? Who will receive my tearful cry and my sigh, if not You, Mother of God, Intercessor and Refuge in all troubles for us sinners? Hear my cry, All-Merciful Healer, as if the sorrows of my heart have multiplied, and show Your mercy on the bed of illness to the reclining and wounded by a wound, the child of my warrior [name], heal his grave mental and bodily illnesses, and raise him whole and perfect from the bed of infirmity, yes sings of Your warm intercession. Amen.

Prayer to the mother (relatives) to the Most Holy Theotokos for the deliverance of soldiers in captivity

Oh, All-singing Mother of God, all those who grieve Joy and offended Intercessor! Hear my prayer, do not reject my petition and have mercy on my child (my father, my husband), the warrior [name] in captivity! Keep him safe and sound, protect him from the malice of those who captivated him and do not let him be killed by their hands, strengthen the true faith in him and soon deliver the heavy captivity, but in his mind he sings to Thee, Queen of Heaven, and Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ , with His Father without beginning and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the saints for the deliverance of warriors [warrior], in captivity of beings [existing]

Blessed and God-bearing chosen one of Christ: a many-light star, to the Baptist and Forerunner of the Savior John; to the predivny and merciful saint, the great wonderworker Nicholas; the holy great martyr and ambulance of the captive liberator, the Victorious George; great in wives Anastasia the Desolder and all the saints! We pray to you, unworthy: strengthen the warriors [warrior] [name], in the captivity of the existing [existing], deliver them [him] from the bonds of the enemy, free all evil conditions and direct the paths to salvation, yes, they will glorify those who return to their homes [ returning home, glorify] the True God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the missing soldiers

Oh, All-Holy Lady Theotokos, Seeking the lost, the strange Nourisher and the misguided Guide! Warrior [name], about him not the imams of notice, covered with your honest omophorion, save from all the misfortunes of the enemy, deliver captivity and fierce death, protect from despair, but with gratitude and love sings of Your warm intercession. Amen.


  1. Why machine translations are either a bad idea or a means of supernatural communication: 'Not imams of other help ,unless you, the Lady, are you the only hope and our hope.... ' -Dionysius Redington


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