Inaugural Pan-Orthodox Conference set for September in NC

(Southern Orthodox) -  

What is the Philip Ludwell III Orthodox Fellowship?

The Philip Ludwell III Orthodox Fellowship is an association of Orthodox Christian believers from diverse jurisdictions who seek to serve the Church’s evangelistic mission in the South by promoting the enculturation of the Orthodox Faith into the South’s unique ethos and “older religiousness.”

Our First Conference!

The purpose of our inaugural conference is to bring together like-minded Orthodox Christians from across the South to discuss the Orthodox evangelization of the South and the enculturation of Orthodoxy into the distinctive Southern ethos. Are Southerners a distinct people? Do we have a distinct culture? If so, can this culture be “baptized” into Orthodoxy (or are we just irredeemably evil)? Enquiring minds want to know!

Speakers include:

Dr. Donald Livingston

“Why the South is the Most Religious Part of America”

Donald Wilson Livingston is a retired professor of philosophy, Emory University. He is past Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, and founder and president of the Abbeville Institute. He serves on the editorial staff of Chronicles, A Magazine of American Culture and is the author of “Hume’s Philosophy of Common Life” and “Philosophical Melancholy and Delirium: Hume’s Pathology of Philosophy,” both by University of Chicago Press. Livingston converted to Orthodoxy in 2012 and is a parishioner at Holy Ascension Orthodox Church in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

Dr. Clark Carlton

“Ethnophyletism By Any Other Name …”

Clark Carlton is an author and editor of the Ludwell Orthodox Fellowship. He has also taught philosophy for more than twenty-five years. A native of Tennessee, he earned a B.A. in philosophy from Carson-Newman College, an M.Div. from St. Vladimir’s Seminary, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the Catholic University of America. He is the author of “The Faith” Series and has been published in the Saint Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, the Journal of Early Christian Studies, Christian Bioethics, and Histoire de la Littérature Grecque Chrétienne des Origines à 451.

Fr. John Whiteford

“Southern Agrarianism and Orthodoxy”

Father John is a priest in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) and head priest at St. Jonah Orthodox Church in Spring, Texas. He’s a former Nazarene Associate Pastor who in November 1990 converted to the Orthodox Faith soon after completing his B.A. in Theology at Southern Nazarene University in Bethany, Oklahoma. Father John’s the author of “Sola Scriptura: An Orthodox Analysis of the Cornerstone of Reformation Theology” and the general editor of the “St. Innocent Liturgical Calendar.” You can also read his writings at his blog aptly titled Fr. John Whiteford.

Richard T. Hines

Title of talk: TBA

Richard Hines was a former member of the House of Representatives in South Carolina (1972-1976), the Eastern, Southern, and Midwestern Director of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), and presidential appointee under Ronald Reagan. He is also the founder of Save Southern Heritage, which focuses on monument protection and preservation. Hines converted to Orthodoxy in 2018 in Russia at the famous Monastery of Optina Pustin described in Dostoevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamozov. He took the Orthodox name Amvrosii (Ambrose in English) after the Venerable Elder.

George Michalopulos

“Should We Take the Black Pill, or Can We Crawl Out of the Belly of the Beast?”

George Michalopulos originated Monomakhos, a popular Orthodox website devoted to politics, culture, and religion. A pharmacist by profession, he resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with his wife Gail Sheppard. Both are active in local Orthodox church affairs.

The above list of speakers is subject to change. Alterations to our schedule will be publicized as soon as they are available.


Tobaccoville Community Center

Conference schedule:

  • 8 to 9 a.m. • Check-in, coffee, welcome, and opening prayer 

  • 9 a.m. to noon • Speakers 

  • Noon to 1 p.m. • Prayer and lunch 

  • 1 to 4 p.m. • Speakers, Q&A, and closing prayer 

  • 5 p.m. • Vigil at St. Thomas

Church services:

We not only encourage everyone to attend Vigil on Saturday evening but also Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning at St. Thomas the Apostle Orthodox Church, which is a 4-minute drive from the Community Center.

Registration information here.


  1. George & Fr. John I would not be interested in - both are conspiratorial minded thinkers who (seemingly unconsciously) regularly promote incoherent philosophical/theological/cultural mashups, such as Lockean theological anthropology (liberty!) grafted onto Romantic "Holy Russia" piety.

    I would like to hear Dr. Clark Carlton however, as I have been wondering what he has been up to lately. He dropped off the blogosphere 10 or so years ago. I gave one of his "The Faith" books to my father-in-law 10 or so years ago after he had just converted to RCism from being a Southern Baptist (with some time diverted into Oral Robert's universe). He handed it back to me a few days later and said emphatically "He (i.e. Dr. Carlton) is a tract writer! " I smiled because that's a good observation - Dr. Carlton too often draws thick lines where there is in fact much complexity and ambiguity.

    I don't recall coming across Dr. Livingston...

  2. Interesting topic, but I am not sure the speakers will give it a ton of justice. (afraid this will devolve into only the typical evil world, party politics etc....)


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