Serbian Synod to clergy: Don't talk about us online


“…do not take pleasure in listening to gossip or criticisms,

or the calumnies, which some people spread about their brethren;

but either stop them, if you can, or withdraw, so as not to hear them.”

(Unseen Warfare)

The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church issued Act No. 606/Min. 390 dated June 6, 2023, brought forth based on Decision No. 57/Min. 99 of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which states:

“When it comes to question of dealing with daily political themes and public participation of clergy – especially criticism regarding the archpastoral work of hierarchs, we kindly ask the Most Reverend and Right Reverend Diocesan Hierarchs to strictly take into account the ecclesiastical tradition and canonical order of the Orthodox Church, which does not allow for the same, as well as consistently adhering to all relevant decisions of the Holy Assembly of Bishops and the Holy Synod of Bishops rendered on this topic.”

The above is the Synod’s end view on past instances of such activities and those like them, propagated by certain clergy which have acquired space in the public domain, most notably on social networks, in speeches, sermons, malintent petitions, be it by those who post, comment, like, forward and/or disseminate the same.

Such actions openly contradict Holy Tradition and the Sacred Canons of our Most Holy Orthodox Church, as unequivocally stated in the above-mentioned Decision of the Holy Assembly 


  1. I don't keep up with the orthoblogosphere or the various parts like I used to, but apparently there is now an "orthobro" faction:

    I used to be firmly of the opinion that whatever the damage done by the sometimes very false rigorism/traditionalism/legalism of sites like, the left flank (i.e. public orthodoxy, the wheel, the fordham boys {have they transitioned yet??}) is by far the much larger issue/danger to be dealt with by the Body. I could not understand why some (particularly among the clergy/hierarchy) seemed more concerned about the right flank then the left.

    However perhaps because I never joined the "micro-blog/social media" (i.e. facebook, twitter, etc. etc.) evolution of much of the 'online and orthodox' crowd I have been ignorant of the size and influence of the right flank?

    In any case, Heers caught my attention years ago (even before he came back to America) - I noticed his tendency to confuse his limited skills in philosophical and theological understanding/reasoning/history with the Faith/Truth itself, and his capacity to begin and end all his speech/teaching with a narcistic arrogance, to be problematic unless he is properly disciplined. The last few years has shown just how undisciplined (internally and externally) he truly is.

    Perhaps our host or others have a comment on the current direction/trends of the very online Orthodox? Has the prudential decision making of the hierarchy during covid (I largely agree with it, understanding the limitations of "public health", known/unknown during pandemics, etc. - I know our host disagrees with much/most of it) led to a kind of real further "radicalization" of much of the Orthodox and online right flank?

    In any case, I am starting to agree with the Serbian synod here - a tightening up of online discipline within the clergy is probably necessary...


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