FOCUS bringing baby care to Texas

Someone needs to update that map.

(Antiochian) - After months of planning and fundraising, a FOCUS (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve) Center is officially being established in Houston, Texas.

A pregnancy and family resource center, FOCUS Houston will offer CARE:

Community Building: baby showers, social events, birthday parties;

Assistance: referrals to and from partner nonprofits;

Resources: clothes, car seats, formula, diapers, food; and

Education: classes for mothers, tutoring for kids.

Following a kickoff meeting at the end of May which was attended by over fifty people, FOCUS assembled a local Exploratory Committee of two dozen local faithful to help research programs, identify a location, and begin raising funds for the new Center. With its official designation as a Center, FOCUS Houston will transition its Exploratory Committee to an Advisory Board and begin the search for a Center Director. 

FOCUS Houston will address the needs of expectant mothers and young families. Right now, 27.6% of homes in Houston are run by a single parent and 19.5% of Houstonians live in poverty. As a result, generations of families are trapped in a cruel cycle of poverty. FOCUS Houston will respond to the call to labor and strive with those who are suffering by providing resources for struggling families and a community where they experience Christ's love.

Please pray for this new ministry in FOCUS and for the many people it will ultimately serve. 


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