Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pre-fasting ponderings

It's about now in the liturgical year that people start repetitively flipping through their church calendars (or use this nifty 18th century Slavonic calendar pictured right) to remind themselves when fasting begins. As with most things in the Church there is preparation to be done before the event. In fasting there is prayer - for strength, for understanding, for His grace. There is also discussion - with one's spouse and children about how to approach the Great Fast as an opportunity more than a punishment. There is the ceremonial pulling out of cookbooks and browsing online for recipes.

I find myself looking again to the calendar to sketch out which services I can attend and where (as we continue to be without a permanent pastor this selection process is convoluted). This week with my wife we will come to an accord on a rule of prayer for the family. We don't necessarily argue about prayer, but we do need to have a common idea of what our daily prayers will look like and our responses to the more standing still averse, recalcitrant children.

Talking to friends helps; if for no other reason than you don't feel alone in this process. Talking to your spiritual father or mother is also quite helpful. Both know you and can help you grow in faith. There is a choice you make to either grow or let the events of the liturgical year pass over you; think about that child who dutifully steps into the shower, but never washes his hair.

Last week while teaching Sunday School to the 1st-3rd graders there was a poem in the student workbook that said in effect, "You will eat less, and by eating less you can give more." I hope to take this as an opportunity to express that through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving this year.

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