Polish Orthodox Church returns to Old Calendar

(cerkiew.pl) [machine translation] - On Tuesday, March 18 at the headquarters of the Metropolitan of Warsaw and the entire Polish took the spring session of the Holy. Council of Bishops PAKP under the leadership of His Eminence, His Beatitude Sawa, Orthodox Metropolitan of Warsaw and the Polish. Subject agenda St. Council concerned the internal and external activities of the Church.

Following issues were discussed:

  • Acquainted with the replies sent information about Church life in patriarchies Constantinople, Moscow, Bulgarian and Czech and Slovak metropolis.
  • Acquainted with the results of the meeting the heads of the Local Orthodox Orthodox Church, which took place in Constantinople on March 6-9. For work in the Preparatory Commission for Wszechprawosławnego Council, which will take place in 2016 posting: His Excellency Bishop Siemiatycze George and Fr. prot. Dr. Andrew Kuzma.
  • Adopted and discussed the report of the international conference on sects, which took place in Volos (Greece) and the X Assembly of the World Council of Churches taking place in Busan (Korea).

  • Due to the fact that most of the parish PAKP (96%) celebrating holidays by old style (Julian) and asking the faithful - St. Council of Bishops appealed conciliar decision of 12 April 1924 concerning the introduction of a new style (Gregorian) and decided to go back to the old style (Julian) on 15 June 2014 (All Saints Sunday). Where necessary, a style may be practiced new.
  • St. residency program discussed. Holy relics. Mary Magdalene, who will arrive in Polish on 16 August. and will stay for 23 VIII 2014, the
  • Acquainted with the work of the bilateral Commission of the Roman Catholic Church and other issues are discussed ecumenical.
  • Acquainted with translation into Polish Trebnik and sent for further consultation.
  • Discussed and adopted the report of all the diocese for 2013.
Complete article here.


  1. weren't you able to find some better sources than this crappy blog?

    1. If you can find one, send it to me.

    2. what about the official website for a start?


    3. Gee, take a sugar pill and get a little sweeter.

    4. It's kind of awesome to see someone so inexplicably outraged.

    5. It's kind of awesome to see someone talk about things he has no idea about.

  2. Instead of relying on official and reliable sources Josephus Flavius for some unknown reasons decides to promote niche ugly-looking radical blog of some anonymous Truest Orthodox.

    1. I usually use http://cerkiew.pl/, but don't have anything from there yet. Given that I speak no Polish, I rely on what people feed me.

  3. http://cerkiew.pl/index.php?id=wiad_kraj&tx_ttnews%5Bpointer%5D=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=20576&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=3&cHash=50493fe03aa319afa76a04f9b03ac8c7

    posted 6 days ago

    I understand but as a popular and influential blogger you need to carefully check your sources and pick the trustworthy ones.

    1. "True" / "in resistance" / etc. groups are hard to spot when not in English. When time permits I'll update the post.

    2. nothing untrue with the part you posted. I am more concerned about advertising that blog

  4. Mike,

    You are a member of the Polish Orthodox Chruch correct? DO you see this as a positive change?

    1. Actually it means the cathedral switches to the old style and POC becomes "Old Calendar" on paper. Remaining dozen or a bit more parishes on the new style do not have to follow it and I am not convinced they will.

      Actually, it's more like a fun fact than a real change.

    2. "Actually it means the cathedral switches to the old style and POC becomes "Old Calendar" on paper. Remaining dozen or a bit more parishes on the new style do not have to follow it and I am not convinced they will.Actually, it's more like a fun fact than a real change."

      It is a real change. Having the seat of the Primate of the POC switching to the Old Calendar may affect few people, but the symbolism is strong. Now there are 6 Orthodox Churches officially on Old Calendar: Jerusalem, Moscow, Serbia, Georgia, Poland and Czech and Slovak.

      I hope Bulgaria will be the next to switch, the only Slav Church that is on the New Calendar.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Symbolism. It's all what this decision is about.

      And the Czech-Slovak Church will return to be officially New Style after the metropolitan's throne moves back from Preshov to Prague. It may take a while since its current Metropolitan is pretty young but it's not written in stone for them.

      IIRC there was some attempt in Bulgaria to return to the Old Style supported by a group of people and priests a few years ago but it was denied by the Synod. And good.

  5. Yeah, for future reference please avoid re-posting from personal blogs.


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