
Showing posts from November, 2014

Metropolitan Tikhon, OCA delegation invited to Russia

I imagine we'll be seeing some amazing photos in the next few days. ( OCA ) - His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, will make an official visit to the Orthodox Church of Russia at the invitation of His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow at the beginning of December 2014. “It is customary for Primates of autocephalous Churches to accept invitations to make irenic visits to Sister Churches,” said Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary, a member of the delegation that will accompany Metropolitan Tikhon. Other delegation members include His Grace, Bishop Alexander of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese and Protopresbyter Leonid Kishkovsky, Chairman and Director respectively of the Office of External Affairs and Interchurch Relations; Archpriest John Jillions, Chancellor; Melanie Ringa, Treasurer; Archpriest Nazari Polataiko, Secretary of the Archdiocese of Canada; and support staff. Joining the delegation will be His Grace, Bishop John of Naro-Fominsk, Administrator of the Patriarcha...

Pope of Rome in attendance at Liturgy in Constantinople

Complete Divine Liturgy Summary by Rome Reports Joint Declaration of Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I We, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, express our profound gratitude to God for the gift of this new encounter enabling us, in the presence of the members of the Holy Synod, the clergy and the faithful of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, to celebrate together the feast of Saint Andrew, the first–called and brother of the Apostle Peter. Our remembrance of the Apostles, who proclaimed the good news of the Gospel to the world through their preaching and their witness of martyrdom, strengthens in us the aspiration to continue to walk together in order to overcome, in love and in truth, the obstacles that divide us. On the occasion of our meeting in Jerusalem last May, in which we remembered the historical embrace of our venerable predecessors Pope Paul VI and the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras, we signed a joint declaration. Today on the ha...

Bell-ringing at the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration


Christianity in the Middle East


The first Orthodox monastery in Austria in the works

( ) - From November 6-11, 2014, His All-Holiness visited Vienna, Austria, for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Pro Oriente, a foundation created to improve relations between the divided Christian Churches. On Saturday, the 8th of November, after a special prayer and doxology, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew addressed the international leaders and distinguished participants at the University of Vienna. Those in attendance also included Coptic Pope Tawadros and Kurt Cardinal Koch, representing Pope Francis. During his visit, in addition to meeting with a number of local political figures, His All-Holiness met with Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sebastian Kurz. Moreover, he was presented with a significant property in the Burgenland town of St. Andrä am Zicksee by the Roman Catholic Bishop Ägidius Zsifkovics of Eisenstadt, which was in turn offered to the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Austria with the prospect of building the first Orthodox monast...

Guardian angels in Moscow

Moscow, November 26 ( Interfax ) - The Angel's Wings action to take place on Thursday on the eve of the Russian Mother Day in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The Angel's Wings are 300 kids from families with many children who will draw their guardian angel in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. There will be easels set in the church and children guided by professional artists will several hours draw their guardian angels as they imagine them," the Association of Families with Many Children, which organized the action, told Interfax-Religion. The best works will be exhibited at the charity auction and the raised funds will be transferred to help children from incomplete and adverse families.

The powerful story of Jason Brown


Capitulation and the Anglican Church

Here's the problem. If you take second fiddle to every possible other activity, no one will ever let you have the first chair. Christendom set aside Sunday as a day for God. Letting soccer (football) and grocery shopping replace church attendance is appeasement. There will always be new realities to "modern life" that an ecclesial body can bend to. "An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last." - Winston Churchill ( The Telegraph ) - Sunday morning is an inconvenient time for church services because people are busy shopping and doing DIY, the Church of England has admitted. Worshippers are increasingly turning their backs on the centuries-old practice of attending worship on Sundays because of other leisure and social “commitments”, it said. The admission came alongside new figures showing that attendances at midweek services in cathedrals have doubled in a decade while numbers in the pews in parishes on Sundays continue to fa...

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


Michail Dandár elected archbishop of Czech Lands

Prague, Nov. 23 ( ČTK ) — Michail Dandár was elected new Prague archbishop of the Orthodox Church in the Czech Lands , and his election ended the personnel disputes in the church, the Prague eparchy (diocese) office told the Czech News Agency (ČTK) today. The personnel disputes started after Bishop Kryštof was forced to step down as Prague archbishop and head of the church in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in April 2013. The Church leadership then installed Archbishop Jachým in the top post, but a large part of the Church members did not recognize him as their legitimate head. They said he was not elected in accordance with the Church rules. This opinion was shared by Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, the head of the world Orthodox Church. Jachým's critics say the departure of Kryštof was masterminded by a group of Czech priests supported by the Moscow-seated patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. The election held Nov. 22 was allegedly an attempt to confirm ...

O Xmas Tree! O Xmas Tree! Thy leaves are so alienating!

BELMONT, MA ( WHDH ) - The Butler Elementary School PTA in Belmont reversed the decision to cancel a field trip to see "The Nutcracker" after some parents claimed it had questionable content. The trip to see the famous ballet has been a tradition at the school for years, but apparently some felt the trip was improper because there is a Christmas tree on the stage. The issue came to a head at a PTA meeting Tuesday night. A source said some people were told they were being discriminatory if they supported their kids going to "The Nutcracker." "I went once as a kid as well. I think it's anybody's choice. They should still offer it but you don't have to go if you don't like," said parent Adam Campana. Some parents of the second graders, who didn't want to appear on camera, told 7News that they're also upset because PTA leaders secretly cancelled the field trip without telling anyone, but word spread. PTA Co-President Barbara ...

Lord Sacks and life


Archeparchy of Pittsburgh responds to married clergy decree


Met. Hilarion's (ROCOR) 30th Anniversary

( ROCOR-EAD ) - On Friday the 14th and Saturday the 15th of November, celebrations were held at St. Alexander Nevsky Diocesan Cathedral in Howell (Lakewood), NJ, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the episcopal consecration of His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, and the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Eastern American Diocese. The jubilee celebrations were held in the Diocese’s recently opened administrative center. For the first time since the great consecration of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the Divine Liturgy was concelebrated by 9 hierarchs. All of the festal divine services took place under the protection of the highly venerated icons of the Russian Diaspora – the wonderworking Kursk Root and myrrh-streaming Iveron-Montreal "Hawaiian" Icons of the Mother of God.

Meeting of council of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA

( MOSPAT-USA ) - On Friday, November 14, His Grace Bishop John of Naro-Fominsk, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA led a regular session of the Bishop's Council of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA in St. Nicholas Cathedral, NYC. This meeting will mark Bishop John's first Bishop's Council meeting since his appointment as Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA in August of this year. Before the start of the meeting, Bishop John presented Archpriest Roman Star with an icon set commemorating his 30th Anniversary to the priesthood. After a light lunch, the meeting officially opened at 11:55am. Present at the meeting were all members of the Bishop's Council with the exception of Archpriest Igor Tarasov and Matushka Pamela Micek who were unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances. At the invitation of the Bishop's Council, Mr. John Apostolos, of Compass Rose Services Inc. was present to answer various questions members of...

Why the Lukan Jump?

( Orthodox Research Institute ) - Why, after the Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross, is the reading of the Gospel of St. Matthew suddenly interrupted and why do we start then with the reading of St. Luke? At first glance, this jump appears to be arbitrary, more especially as there is no parallel in the reading of the Epistles. To be sure, there is nothing arbitrary, although throughout the centuries the rationale has been forgotten. First, let us keep in mind that the fact that the reading of the Gospel of St. Luke follows the Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross is merely coincidental and the theological reason lies elsewhere. Actually, the change is related to the chronological proximity of the commemoration of the Conception of St. John the Baptist celebrated on September 23rd. In later Antiquity, this feast marked the beginning of the ecclesiastical New Year. Thus, the reason for starting the reading of the Lukan Gospel toward the middle of September can be understoo...

Married clergy for Eastern Catholics in diaspora

( Pro Unione ) - The Congregation for Oriental Churches is issuing a precept, “ Pontificia Praecepta de clero Uxorato Orientali ” – signed back in June and with papal approval– which allows the Eastern Churches to ordain married men wherever the Church is found, and to bring in already married priests to serve as needed, throughout the world. [ 6/106 Acta Apostolica Sedes, 496-99 ] (PDF) The Eastern Churches find themselves in three jurisdictional situations, basically, which have different practical consequences: First, where there is a regular hierarchy, it is up to the competent ecclesiastical authority – the metropolitan, eparch, or exarch – to ordain according to the traditions of their churches, without restriction from the Latin church. Second, where there is an Ordinariate without a bishop or heirarch, such ordinations would be carried out by the ordinary, but while informing the Latin hierarchy. (there are less than a half-dozen countries where this is the case) Third, ...

Muslims in the Church, two different responses

Earlier this month it came to light that a Serbian parish had allowed their hall to be used by Muslims with the permission of the parish priest, Fr. Cedomir Videkanic. The Muslims covered up icons and other obviously Christian objects with their own items. Public outrage ensued and the priest was suspended. Compare that to the story of the National Cathedral used as a location for a Muslim service this week. Unsurprisingly, a Christian was able to sneak in and speak out against this atrocity. Some might claim that we need to be tolerant. Tolerance isn't syncretism or capitulation. Tolerance certainly isn't using a space set aside for the worship of Christ as God by a group that explicitly denies His divinity. A church is a sacrifice to God. Inviting strange fire would seem ill-advised. ( ) - Without prejudice or judgement, but mindful of a serious transgression which has eventuated as a result of gross mismanagement of Church property on the part of its warden, i...

Orthodox clergy in Houston weigh in on Wonder blog posting

( Orthodox Houston ) - Statement of the Brotherhood of the Orthodox Clergy Association of Houston and Southeast Texas on the Comments of Fr. Robert Arida on Homosexuality In response to Fr. Robert Arida’s recent article, which was posted on the OCA’s Wonder blog , there have been many eloquent rebuttals. We do not wish to attempt to reproduce those critiques here, but we do wish to underscore some of the more important points that have been made, and to speak out publically on this controversy. We find it unacceptable for Orthodox Clergy, who have been given the charge to instruct and guide the laity, to suggest that the moral Tradition of the Orthodox Church needs to change with the times or with the prevalent culture. St. Paul admonishes us to "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2). And it should be noted that the word translated "wo...

St. Herman Retreat coming up

My children have enjoyed the St. Herman Retreat quite a bit over the years. If you can make it, I endorse this event wholeheartedly. More information and registration form available here .

Lengthy paper presented by Met. Hilarion at St. Vlad's

This is a very lengthy talk given by the head of the Russian Church's Department of External Church Relations on the occasion of receiving an honorary doctorate from St. Vladimir's yesterday. If you want to know what the Russian Church believes about primacy in an Orthodox and Catholic context, this is the thing to read. There's no guessing on his opinions. He doesn't hedge any thoughts. If such reading is your cup of tea, get comfortable and settle in for a while. ( ) - Paper presented by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk at St Vladimir’s Theological Seminary on 8 November 2014 on the occasion of conferring an honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. Your Beatitude, Your Eminences and Graces, dear fathers, brothers and sisters, distinguished guests! First of all I would like to express my profound gratitude to St Vladimir’s Theological Seminary for awarding me the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. It has been a great privilege for me to ...

Assyrian Church holds first episcopal conference in US

( Assyrian Church ) - The bishops of the dioceses of the Assyrian Church of the East in the United States held their first episcopal conference from October 30th to the 31st, in San Diego, California. The conference, blessed by His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos-Patriarch, was attended by: His Grace Mar Aprim Khamis, Bishop of the Western United States, the chair of the episcopal conference, His Grace Mar Awa Royel, Bishop of California and Secretary of the Holy Synod & President of CIRED, and His Grace Mar Paulus Benjamin, Bishop of the Diocese of the Eastern USA and President of ACERO USA. The bishops were also in San Diego to take part in the rite of the consecration of the altar of the Rabban Hermizd Parish, which took place after morning prayers on the First Sunday of the Hallowing of the Church, November 2, 2014. His Grace Mar Yosip Sargis, bishop emeritus, was also present for the consecration rite. ​ The meeting of the bishops’ conference was held at the offices o...

Met. Tikhon removes Wonder article, replaces with his own

I posted a response on the Wonder blog shortly after it was released only to watch an avalanche of similar declarations of outrage and bemusement roll in behind me. It is to the OCA's credit that the synod responded to the issue very quickly and decisively. It will be interesting to see how the OCA's youth blog continues moving forward. Will post receive heavier vetting? Will we see a lull in posting? (OCA) - On Friday, November 7, 2014, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, in consultation with the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America, responded to the recent discussion generated by Archpriest Robert Arida’s article,“Never-Changing Gospel; Ever-Changing Culture,” which was posted on the Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry’s Wonder blog. Metropolitan Tikhon’s reflection may be accessed on the OCA web site here (PDF) and on the Wonder blog here .

Met. Hilarion returning to St. Vlad's, accepting doctorate

( SVOTS ) - On Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk and Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, will deliver a free and public lecture at Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary here. Metropolitan Hilarion will speak on “Primacy and Conciliarity from an Orthodox Perspective,” a topic discussed at the 13th Plenary Session of the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Churches, of which Metropolitan Hilarion was a key participant. Prior to the lecture, Metropolitan Hilarion will receive an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree, bestowed by the seminary’s Board of Trustees and faculty. Metropolitan Hilarion is a member of the seminary board, ex officio, and also author of the “Orthodox Christianity Series” published by SVS Press. The academic convocation and lecture will be held in the Metropolitan Philip Auditorium of the Joh...

Kyiv Patriarchate: Greek Catholics should leave Rome, join us

Moscow, November 6 ( Interfax ) - The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church should stop subordinating Rome and unite with Orthodox believers, leader of the self-proclaimed Kiev Patriarchate Filaret Denisenko believes. "The first and the main goal: the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate should separate from Moscow. Then nothing will prevent us from uniting in one Church. All other Orthodox Church will recognize us. In result, the UGCC will separate from Rome," Denisenko said in his interview posted by the website. According to him, thus, Orthodox and Greek-Catholics "will become one autocephalous Orthodox Church." "Greek-Catholic Church was established because Ukrainians did not have their own state. Today this reason is eliminated, we have independent Ukraine. There is no reason for divisions," the schismatic leader said.

A webinar for pastors on mental health

This webinar featuring George Stavros, PhD, MDiv, Executive Director of the Danielson Institute and Clinical Associate Professor of Pastoral Psychology at Boston University provides examples of actual mental health issues as they have been presented in Greek Orthodox parishes, discusses the prevelance of mental health issues in America, outlines the importance of pastoral ministry to those with mental health problems, outlines the need for training for clergy and parish leadership around mental health issues, and provides a structure and strategy for developing strong mental health referral resources for your community.

California State University: an odd decision on student orgs

( The Christian Institute ) - Christian groups at California State University have been stripped of recognition because they refused to sign a policy which would require them to open their membership and leadership to all students, including non-Christians. Groups that do not sign the new policy lose free access to meeting rooms, are barred from student fairs and cannot receive funding from student associations. The move has been heavily criticised by members of a nationwide campus ministry and a legal expert. Ironic Greg Jao, National Field Director of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, said that leaders of religious organisations cannot be expected to sign the policy because their beliefs form a central part of their identity. He said: “It’s an irony for us that, in the name of inclusion, they’re eliminating religious groups because of their religious beliefs. “My understanding of an inclusive, welcoming university is to accept people based on their own beliefs.” ’Absu...

On the role of the diaconate

The site Pemptousia has recently posted two articles on the diaconate. I encourage you to give them a read. The first was written by Dr. Michael Bressem and is entitled " Why the Orthodox Church Needs Deacons " and I found it thought provoking. The second is by the popular podcaster Archpriest Gregory Hallam and is entitled " The Diaconate in Today’s Church " and it is also worth a reading. Two topics from the articles that came to mind... On the first article there is mention of the special role of the deacon. "Therefore, deacons often minister to widows, orphans, shut-ins, the poor, the sick, the disabled, the imprisoned, the undereducated, and others with special needs." While I agree that this is the historical role of the deacon, I wonder about how much it reverberates with the diaconate in the New World as it is exercised today. I know some deacons who volunteer in important roles and do valuable work for their parishes and for the wider...

Hic, haec, hoc... hunc

Note: Originally posted in early 2014, I'm going to keep bringing this post back to the forefront. It's a fun post that needs to keep rising to the top. Often in conversation (or even in print on occasion) I run into ecclesial words that people misspell. Many of the words are perfectly valid so won't get picked up by spell-checking, but aren't the right word in the context they're used in. Let's start a list and see how far we can get. Please send comments or emails and I'll add them here. air - aer alter - altar angle - angel assent - ascent beer - bier censor - censer chantor - cantor condensation - condescension deaconate - diaconate incensing - censing rights - rites savor - saviour/savior Turkish yolk - Turkish yoke

Antiochian Village receives accreditation

I've used the Antiochian Village a lot. I used their library in seminary studies, used their facilities to listen to talks, and prayed there numerous times. It's an important place I'm glad to see is getting prepared for even more use. I should add that the staff there is a great group of people. ( ) - On April 4, 2014, the Antiochian Village received the accreditation of the prestigious Association of Theological Schools in America (ATS), in conjunction with its Doctor of Ministry Program (DMin), offered through the Antiochian House of Studies (AHoS). The DMin program is offered in Academic Partnership with the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. The ATS conducted its accreditation visit on April 3–4, 2014. The visit included meetings with faculty, staff, graduates, and current students of the Eastern Christian Studies program and inspection of all aspects of the facility—the Library, Museum, Conference and Meeting Rooms, Chapel, Food Services, and others....

OCA Wonder blog: Change and the Church

In an article entitled " Never Changing Gospel; Ever Changing Culture ," Fr. Robert M. Arida writes a lengthy post of which I will post the below selection. For the complete article, go here . My response to his article is in their comments section. Do go read it if only to see how this sort of thinking develops over the length of the article. If the never changing Gospel who is Jesus Christ is to have a credible presence and role in our culture then the Church can no longer ignore or condemn questions and issues that are presumed to contradict or challenge its living Tradition. Among the most controversial of these issues are those related to human sexuality, the configuration of the family, the beginning and ending of human life, the economy and the care and utilization of the environment including the care, dignity and quality of all human life. If the unchanging Gospel is to be offered to the culture then the Church, in and through the Holy Spirit will have to expand t...

When spiritual warfare is friendly fire

As the Church finds itself about to cross under the lintel of a new fasting period I find myself reflecting on how the disciplines of the Church are chum for spiritual warfare. I mean this, however, in a way that many wouldn't immediately suspect. Fasting is not easy for many people. It's not supposed to be. That's one of the reasons it's so efficacious. If I were to declare not flying first class an ascetic struggle people would rightly scoff. And yet we don't want to be alone in our struggle. We want the person standing to our left and to our right to be as uncomfortable as we are. "If I have to do this, so do you" goes the thinking. "It just wouldn't be fair if we were all standing in line and you left to get a smoothie then came back and took your place again. I've been standing here for who knows how long and you just saunter back into your spot. What if everyone just got out of line? What then?!" We are a people that don...

Comm. for Pastoral Practice: extremely important talks afoot

The below is from Fr. John Jillions OCA Chancellor's Diary . This is the important work of the Assembly of Bishops that everyone (laity and clergy alike) have been clamoring for. ( OCA ) - I left home at 5 am yesterday morning to beat the New York City morning traffic and drive the 6 hours or so to Ligonier. The “Committee for Pastoral Practice” of the Assembly of Bishops is meeting here for a consultation until Wednesday afternoon. The committee chair is Metropolitan Joseph (Antiochian), and other bishops include Bishop Feodosy (ROCOR), Bishop Mark (OCA) and Bishop Sevastianos (GOA). A number of consultants are participating as well from the various jurisdictions, including the OCA’s Father Ian Pac-Urar (facilitator), Father Alexander Rentel (canonist), Father Marcus Burch (DOS chancellor) and me. The Committee’s task is to review the pastoral practices of the jurisdictions and come to a draft agreement about norms, acceptable variations (there are many) and areas where more ...

Met. Kallistos on Catholic synods and synodality


Ukrainian Greek Catholics in Ohio getting new bishop

Parma, Ohio ( ) - The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Eparchy of Saint Josaphat announces the following ordination and enthronement services of His Grace, Bishop BOHDAN will be broadcast on thier website: Monday, November 3, 2014 - 6:00 pm - Vespers with the Rite of Episcopal Nomination Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Our Venerable Father Joannicus the Great - 10:00 am - First Hour - 2:00 pm - Pontifical Divine Liturgy with the Rite of Ordination & Installation The videos will be broadcast at the following link here . The Principal Consecrator will be His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The Co-Consecrators will be the Most Rev. John Bura, Apostolic Administrator of St. Josaphat Eparchy in Parma and the Most Rev. Paul Chomnycky, OSBM, Eparch of Stamford.

Greek Church stands firm against cremation

Athens ( AFP ) - The Greek Orthodox Church says it will not provide religious rites for those who choose cremation, saying it disrespects the human body. "The incineration of the body is not in keeping with the traditions and actions of the Church, for anthropological and theological reasons," the Church said in a statement. Cremation was only made legal in Greece in 2006 and there is still nowhere it can be carried out in the country. That has not stopped the Church labelling a new law on procedures for cremation as "nihilism" which contributes to "the suppression of religion" and a "lack of respect for the human body". "The Church does not accept incineration of the body because it is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Anyone who expresses the intention to be incinerated confirms their separation from the Church and therefore does not have the right to a religious ceremony," the statement said. No Greek government has yet authori...

Bp. David of Sitka: Missionaries come to Alaska!

( OCMC ) - The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) was honored by a visit from His Grace Bishop David of Sitka and Alaska during the week of October 27-31. The staff had an entire day with His Grace where they were given the opportunity to hear about the rich history of the Church in Alaska, the people that call it home, and the wonderful opportunities for ministry and fellowship that exist in the land where the seeds of Orthodoxy were first planted on the North American continent. For Orthodox Christians, Alaska is truly a North American Holy Land. It has brought forth numerous saints who through their deep faith bore witness to many miracles. It is the destination for countless Orthodox pilgrims who travel from around the world to be renewed in their faith by the natural beauty of God’s creation and Alaska’s rich Orthodox Christian heritage - a heritage that has been preserved by its native peoples since the late 1700's. These people, however, are facing some significa...