
Showing posts from September, 2015

Crimean church begins construction... under water

( Moscow Times ) - Divers in Crimea began construction of an underwater Russian Orthodox church, placing a giant cross at the bottom of the Black Sea, Crimean news service Krym.Realii reported Wednesday. The 3-meter cross, styled as a ship anchor, will become the “initial structure, around which the world's first underwater temple will be built, which will bear the name of St. Nicholas — sailors' patron saint,” a spokesperson for the Russian Orthodox Church in Crimea was quoted by Krym.Realii as saying. The cross was placed at a depth of 20 meters approximately 100 meters off the coast of Cape Fiolent, the report said. Construction is sponsored by the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, and Kremlin-linked nationalistic biker gang, the Night Wolves, the report said. Orthodox Church leaders in Crimea hope the underwater temple will draw tourists to the peninsula, the spokesman was quoted by Krym.Realii as saying. The Russian government has been trying to ...

VOA: Saving Russian Religious Music Traditions

( VOA ) - Many religions use music to help communicate their message. What you are listening to is a choral work performed in the Russian Orthodox Church. This kind of singing is different from other religious traditions. And it is this kind of singing that a U.S.-based choir hopes to keep alive. The group recently went to Russia for training in what is known as the Slavonic tradition of music. All 35 members of this choir are Russian and citizens of the United States. The group sang during religious services in Moscow. The choir’s leadership said they want to protect this musical tradition. In North America, the Russian Orthodox Church has about 2,500 churches and monasteries, which are properties for religious workers. Music is an important part of the Orthodox religious experience. The choir’s website states that Orthodox Christian worship in public “cannot take place without singing. In the Russian Orthodox Church,” it says, “a glorious tradition of church singing dates...

Talk on Christianity and Islam to be given in Wisconsin


Holy Martyrs of Libya, pray unto God for us!

( Malankara-Northeast ) - Holy Martyrs of Libya, pray unto God for us! Let us continue to pray for all our brothers and sisters al over the world, who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ. May their prayers preserve us, and may their example inspire us in our faith!

Canon Law conference held in Thessaloniki

( HTS ) - SLEC Conferences are held every two years and focus on a selected topic. From September 10-15, 2015, I took part in the twenty-second congress of the Society for the Law of the Eastern Churches, held in Thessaloniki. The theme of this conference was oikonomia (in Byzantine canon law this term means "wise implementation of strategies designed to assure salvation"). The theme of this year's congress was especially relevant to my recent research. I recently published an article titled The 19th Canonical Answer of Timothy of Alexandria: On the History of Sacramental Oikonomia" in St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 51 (February 3, 2007). At SLEC conferences, papers are presented at the invitation of the Board of the Society, which at this time is headed by Bishop Kyrillos (Katerelos) of Abydos (Ecumenical Patriarchate). In the course of the four-day event, participants from 15 countries read 27 papers covering terminology, church teaching, and spec...

Treasures of the Fathers of the Church: a new Marian text

( LA Copts ) - With great joy and enthusiasm, we present to you The Holy Theotokos , part of the Treasures of the Fathers of the Church series. This book contains excerpts from patristic writings related to the Holy Virgin Mary. In addition, the book features several theological articles related to the place and faith of the Holy Theotokos in the Orthodox Church. ​~ From Preface by His Grace Bishop Serapion ​ ​O​ people of Christ, let us acclaim her today in sacred song, acknowledge our own good fortune and proclaim it. Let us honor her in nocturnal vigil; let us delight in her purity of soul and body, for she, next to God, surpasses all in purity. It is natural for similar things to glory in each other. Let us show our love for her by compassion and kindness towards the poor. For if mercy is the best worship of God, who will refuse to show His Mother devotion in the same way? She opened to us the unspeakable abyss of God’s love for us. Through her the old enmity against the Cr...

The ethnocentric Church of today

From the blog Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy, the below excerpt from a post entitled " A new ecclesiology for the Orthodox Church? " by Seraphim Danckaert. I'd call this essential reading for anyone who wants to better understand how ethnicity is still king in many parts of the Orthodox world. Orthodox Christians often find themselves answering the following question: why is Orthodoxy divided along ethnic lines into different churches? At least officially, the answer to that question has been quite clear: we are not divided; we are one Church, united in faith and worship, with an administrative structure that organizes itself along local lines, in accordance with the ancient traditions and canon law of the first millennium of Christian history. In recent years, however, there’s been a problem: while the answer given above is true in theory, it’s often not implemented in practice. Starting in the late 19th century, and in increasing numbers after the World Wars, million...

Behind the Monastery Walls

( ) - The monastery is the sacred home of God, but also home to the nuns and monks who have dedicated their lives to God. Romania’s monasteries are known worldwide for their magnificent beauty, but what do we know about the people that live there? How different is the life they lead? How different is the way they see the world? Behind the Monastery Walls presents a selection of intimate and inspiring interviews in which nuns and monks in Romanian monasteries lay bare their thoughts and real beliefs. Behind the Monastery Walls is one Orthodox Christian's graduation film from the BA in Media Production program at Coventry University. Having received a scholarship from the Peter Kirk Memorial Fund supported by the European Parliament he produced 2 short documentaries which talks about monastic life in Romania (Behind the Monastery Walls) and in England (Sisters in Love).

Basil and the Elevation of the Cross

( OCN ) - When I was a child, I would frequently visit my grandmother (Yiayia) and grandfather (Papou) who lived in a small town east of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They had a large yard with a view of the Monongahela River. The climate created the perfect conditions to grow a beautiful garden every summer. My papou grew tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and cucumbers, from what I remember. He also planted a few large basil plants, or “Vasiliko” (Greek), every year. My yiayia loved basil. She would frequently pick a stem and smell it, over and over, sometimes finally placing it to rest behind her earlobe. I imagine she found the scent comforting, as if it reminded her of her homeland in Chios, Greece. I have strong memories of my yiayia and her love of basil. For the past several years, I have planted a small basil plant at the start of summer. I place it near my house so I can tend to it easily. If it does not rain on a given day, I give it a good drink of water. I trim the stems to h...

Orthodox unity in America now in extreme jeopardy

The below is a huge blow to the idea of a united, canonical Orthodox Church in America. When ROCOR declared that they didn't want to be a part of the Chambésy process (see here ) because they believed that their faithful needed strong Russian (or at least Slavic patrimony) oversight the popular reaction was "Oh, those crazy Russians and their extremism. Too bad for them that they'll be shunted to the hinterlands of American Orthodoxy just like the pre-reunion Old Days™." People thought we'd move on without them and maybe eventually they'd come back to the table. The below declaration from the Antiochian Archdiocese, on the other hand, is a complete surprise to everyone I have spoken to. Today we see that Antioch has made a similar declaration and a table set for the whole family is now half empty. "Why?" you might ask. The answer seems to be a combination of factors. First, and some would say foremost, is the amazing lack of primus inter pares -l...

Any questions?


Met. Kallistos to meet with Orthodox, Anglican leaders

( Buffalo News ) - Nearly 30 religious leaders from around the world are in Buffalo for an annual meeting to discuss ecumenical relations between the Orthodox Church and the Anglican Church. It marks the first time the International Commission for the Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue is being held in the United States. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Buffalo at 146 West Utica St. is hosting the weeklong event, which begin Saturday and runs through Friday. The dialogue includes delegates from 14 Orthodox churches and 14 Anglican churches or organizations in Canada, England, Australia, Cyprus, Zimbabwe, Russia, Serbia, Romania, Greece, Scotland, Ireland, Philippines and Sri Lanka. The Orthodox Church has about 250 million followers worldwide, while the Anglican Church Communion has about 77 million members. The Rev. Metropolitan Diokleia Kallistos Ware, an Orthodox bishop in England, is chairman of the dialogue, while the Rev. Christos B. Christakis, parish priest at...

House votes that murdering children is murder

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 18, 2015 ( LifeSiteNews ) - The House has passed a pro-life bill that makes it a first-degree murder for abortionists to kill children born alive through botched abortions. In a nearly party-line vote of 248-177, with one Member voting "Present," the House passed H.R. 3504, the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act." The bill was introduced and debated in light of the Center for Medical Progress' videos that indicate Planned Parenthood clinics may be killing babies post-birth. Can you imagine voting against this? The bill makes killing a baby born from a botched abortion first-degree murder, and requires reporting of violations of the law. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, and Constitution Subcommittee Chairman Trent Franks, R-AZ, said in a statement that "this legislation sends a strong message to those who are in the horrific business of abortions that there are real consequences for those who...

Episcopal Assembly closes Chicago meeting

( AOB ) - The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America concluded its sixth annual meeting on Thursday, September 17 in Chicago. The Assembly issued a message to the faithful, which can be read here (PDF). Reposted below. In other business, the Legal Affairs Committee presented a five-step plan to the Assembly for consideration. The hierarchs unanimously authorized the committee to commence with the first three steps of the plan, in which the committee will assess, gather and analyze the relevant legal documents of the Assembly's various jurisdictions. The hierarchs also approved the 2016 budget. Before adjourning, the hierarchs chanted the Apolytikion of Pentecost in six languages. Assembly VII is tentatively planned for early October 2016. Documents pertaining to Assembly VI, including the minutes, 2016 budget and committee reports, will be forthcoming on the Assembly's website.

St. Basil on the poor

Who has the best blog supplying daily quotes? Dover Beach in my opinion. “What keeps you, now, from giving? Isn’t the poor man there? Aren’t your own warehouses full? Isn’t the reward promised? The command is clear. The hungry man is dying now, the naked man is freezing now, the man in debt is beaten now – and you want to wait till tomorrow? “I’m not doing any harm,” you say, “I just want to keep what I own, that’s all.” Which things, tell me, are yours? Whence have you brought them into being? You are like someone who sits down in a theater, and would prohibit everyone else from entering, saying that what is there for everyone to enjoy is for himself alone.” – St. Basil the Great

The Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture

( Agora Institute ) - The Agora Institute is proud to announce its newest initiative entitled The Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture. In keeping with the Agora Institute’s dedication to engaging both religious and secular voices from various traditions, the Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture has been created to cultivate spiritual and intellectual study in the tradition of Orthodox Christianity. Specifically, the center will educate students in Orthodox theology, literature, history, and art, comprising a minor in Orthodox thought and culture. The Center will be directed by Dr. Gary Jenkins, Eastern University’s John H. Van Gorden Professor of History, chair of the department, and newest Agora Institute staff member. In order to be a flourishing society, free and honest inquiry and open exchange of ideas is required. The Agora Institute holds that the resources of faith are not inimical to the understanding or attainment of flourishing, and it expansively engages i...

Assyrian Church of the East has new primate

( Assyrian Church ) His Beatitude Mar Gewargis Sliwa, Metropolitan of Iraq elected Catholicos-Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East. The Metropolitan will take the ecclesiastical name 'Mar Gewargis III'. He is the 121st Catholicos-Patriarch. Friends --- It is with profound joy that I send good news of the election of His Beatitude Mar Gewargis Sliwa, Metropolitan of Iraq and Russia as the 121st Catholicos-Patriarch of the Apostolic See of Seleucia-Ctesiphon for the Assyrian Church of the East. The announcement, made from Erbil, Iraq at 3pm Baghdad time on 18 September 2015, followed the convocation of the 14-member Council of Prelates from 16 September 2015 for deliberations. His Beatitude was born on 23 November 1941 in Habbaniya, Iraq. He was consecrated Metropolitan of Iraq on 14 June 1981 in Chicago, Illinois by His Holiness the late Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos-Patriarch of blessed memory. Since his consecration, the Metropolitan has made his headquarters in t...

Trying to save Christianity in Syria

( Christian Today ) - The solution to the Syrian crisis is political, not military, the Chaldean bishop of Aleppo has said. Antoine Audo, who has watched his country be destroyed through various conflicts over the last four years said outside states must look within themselves and stop fuelling the conflict through selling arms or through their own political interests. "I think the solution is political," he told Catholic News Agency (CNA). "We have to stop giving arms and money to those groups, and to find a way for a political solution from the Syrian [people], from inside and not from outside." His comments came ahead of a news conference yesterday entitled "Syrian Christians: help us to stay." During a question and answer session for the event, the bishop said that "at an international level, [there is] a determination to continue the war, to destroy, to divide, until everything has been levelled to the ground, like they did in Iraq, like...

Another update from the Episcopal Assembly in Chicago

Chicago, IL ( AOB ) - The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America convened for a second day on Wednesday, September 16 in Chicago, IL. Before beginning the day’s meetings, the hierarchs offered a service of supplication to the Mother of God. In the first session of the day, the hierarchs engaged in a candid and lengthy discussion on the Committee for Canonical Regional Planning’s proposal, discussing in greater depth the opinions that had been offered on Tuesday. After deliberation, the hierarchs unanimously agreed that the Committee for Canonical Regional Planning will proceed in its work with the goal of conducting an in-depth regional study. The study will explore ways of addressing canonical structure and collaboration between jurisdictional ministries and departments within a particular region. The region will be determined by the committee and hierarchs. The results of the study will be submitted to the Assembly at its next meeting. In short...

Of things tautological

Courtesy: All Saints Orthodox Church in Hartford, CT It has become a common shorthand for many people to say "Holy Saint [Name]..." followed by something like "pray for us" or "is remembered today" when prefacing an image of the saint, something from the synaxarion, etc. It's common, but it's also wrong. Holy means holy. Saint also means holy. So you are in effect saying "Holy Holy [Name]," which I'm sure you don't mean. If you'd like to properly commemorate a saint either drop the initial "Holy" or, even better, let the commemorations be your guide! Apostle/Evangelist: Holy, Glorious, and All-Laudable Apostle/Evangelist... Forefather of the Lord: Holy and Righteous... Hierarch: Father Among the Saints... Married saint: Holy and Righteous... Martyr: Holy Martyr... (as well as a myriad of more specifics: Great-Martyr, Hieromartyr, Venerable-Martyr, Confessor, and New-Martyr) Monarch: Holy, Right-Belie...

Outrage at Orthodox feting of VP Biden

Constantinople, September 16, 2015 ( LifeSiteNews ) – A firestorm of controversy has erupted in the Orthodox Church over its Ecumenical Patriarch planning to honor vice president and possible presidential candidate Joe Biden. Vice President Biden is scheduled to receive the highest award bestowed by the Greek Orthodox Church, the Athenagoras Human Rights Award. The award will be presented at the organization's annual banquet Saturday, October 17, at the New York City Hilton Hotel. We should remember that Abp. Demetrios famously compared President Obama to Alexander the Great in 2009. The award is a kind of "thanks" to Biden for two publicized visits to Istanbul, where Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew leads a very small cadre of Orthodox bishops. The Ecumenical Patriarch is a figurehead leader of the world's 300 million Orthodox Christians; he has no authority over any other Orthodox bishop. That's a vast overstatement. In December 2011, Biden became the fir...

Summary of Episcopal Assembly meeting in Chicago

Will we see any movement from this meeting? I'm willing to bet that we'll see no discernible change. Any takers? Chicago, IL ( AOB ) - The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America convened its sixth annual meeting Tuesday, September 15 in Chicago, IL with 45 hierarchs in attendance. The day began with a celebration of the Divine Liturgy at St John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Des Plaines, IL. Archbishop Demetrios, Chairman of the Assembly, opened the meeting. His remarks can be read in their entirety here (PDF). It's worth reading if you're interested in Oriental Orthodox-Eastern Orthodox relations and some mention of the restructuring plans under discussion. General business followed, including acceptance of the minutes from Assembly V available here (PDF), a financial report from the Assembly’s treasurer, Metropolitan Antony, and brief reports from the Secretary of the Assembly, Bishop Basil, and the Chairman of the Committee...

Interesting what Catholic media picks up on

( Catholic Culture ) - Russian patriarch criticizes Ukrainian Catholics; Eastern patriarch says ‘real’ Ukrainians are Orthodox In a meeting with the head of the Orthodox Church of Alexandria, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow criticized the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church as well as Orthodox churches in Ukraine that are not in communion with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. “Our Church, unlike the Greek Catholic Church and schismatic groups, does not support any of the conflict parties” in Ukraine today, Patriarch Kirill said during their meeting in Moscow. “We believe our mission is that of reconciliation.” “I know the real Ukrainian people: they firmly adhere to Orthodoxy and stay faithful to their Mother – the Russian Orthodox Church,” Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria said in response, according to the Moscow Patriarchate. The Greek-born Patriarch Theodore had served in Ukraine during the 1980s. Both Patriarch Kirill and Patriarch Theodore emphasized th...

St. Vlad's hosting Oriental - Eastern Orthodox event

( OCA ) - “East Meets East” is the theme for Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary’s annual Orthodox Education Day on October 3, 2015. The seminary’s annual open house and fall festival will celebrate the relationship between the Oriental and Eastern Orthodox churches and explore the history of their dialogue. Renowned author and scholar Archpriest Dr. John Anthony McGuckin will give the keynote address, “Our Common Father: Saint Cyril.” Father John is the Ane Marie and Bent Emil Nielsen Professor in Late Antique and Byzantine Christian History at Union Theological Seminary and Professor of Byzantine Christian Studies at Columbia University. The day will be filled with Oriental and Eastern Orthodox church services; workshops on related topics, such as Coptic iconography; a liturgical music concert; and a marketplace filled with international cuisine and Orthodox books and gifts. Three Hierarchs Chapel and the seminary bookstore will be open to the public throughout ...

Catholic Abp. holds ecumenical service... w/Kyiv Patriarchate

I hardly think that the Catholic Archdiocese of Denver had any idea they were holding a service with an uncanonical group, but it is still a sad sight to see the local Catholic bishop exchanging gifts with a man purporting to represent the "Eastern Church" who is not from the recognized Assembly of Bishops roster. Further, I'm told this man is not even recognized by the Kyivans, but do not have confirmation of this. ( Denver Catholic ) - Days before the feast of St. Gregory the Great, two bishops representing Eastern and Western Christianity expressed their friendship in two separate liturgies and acts of gift-giving. The encounter began months back when Orthodox Metropolitan Archbishop Alexander contacted Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver saying he wished to give him a first class relic of St. Gregory the Great, known in Eastern Christianity as St. Gregory the Dialogist. The gift was a sign of his personal desire for friendship with the Roman Catholic Archbis...

Orthodoxy and giving: an in-depth study

( AOB ) - The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America has released a new study today, "Exploring Orthodox Generosity: Giving in US Orthodox Parishes." The 138-page report is accompanied by a brief summary that shares the highlights of the study. The study was prepared by the Assembly’s research coordinator, Alexei Krindatch. The study addresses religious giving of Orthodox Church members to their home parishes and to wider religious causes and explores the differences in giving between members of various Orthodox jurisdictions and parishioners according to certain demographics. Based on its findings, the study provides suggestions as to how Orthodox parishes might increase the generosity of parishioners. More than 2,800 Orthodox Church members (lay parishioners) representing all Orthodox jurisdictions participated in this unique study. The full report can be read here . (PDF) The summary can be read here . (PDF)

The laborer is worthy of his wages.

Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves. Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road. But whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you. And remain in the same house, eating and drinking such things as they give, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. - Luke 10:3-7 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine. For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer is worthy of his wages.” - 1 Timothy 15:17-18 ( FFA ) - Fr Dionisi Nalitov (Church of Great Martyr Panteleimon, Hartford, CT) "If young men knew what kind of life awaits them, they might not want to join the clergy..." Think about these words next time your parish decides on whether or not to give your priest a raise.

Japanese Orthodox in Russia for exhibition

( Pravmir ) - “As expected, a delegation headed by Archbishop Seraphim of Sendai will visit Primorye from September 10 to September 15, and bring particles of St. Nicholas relics for churches,” the Vladivostok Diocese told Interfax-Religion on Tuesday. Exhibition The Christian in the country of samurais dedicated to St. Nicholas of Japan will open in Vladivostok on Friday. The exposition prepared by the Metropolia and the Primorye State Museum will tell about St. Nicholas’ life and work and establishing of Orthodoxy in Japan. The Japanese delegation will visit the ceremony of opening the exhibition. The Japanese Autonomous Church was founded by St. Nikolay (Kasatkin) who came to Japan from Russia on 1861 on the decision of the Holy Synod. He founded and headed the Russian Orthodox mission in Japan in 1870. He translated the Holy Scripture and liturgical books into Japanese and built the Resurrection Cathedral in Tokyo. The Russian Orthodox Church canonized Archbishop Nikola...

Those darned Russians...

It's easier to have a simple relationship with another party when they aren't in your backyard uninvited. From the Russian perspective the Greek Catholics operating in Slavic lands are unwelcome visitors knocking over their garden gnomes. While many would disagree with this role of Uniatism, that's the Muscovite party line and the primary impediment to Russia getting on board the Greek ecumenical train. I'm not sure how calling them "diabolical" is going to help things. ( Catholic Culture ) - Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople underlined the importance of ecumenical ties with Rome, and criticized the resistance of the Russian Orthodox Church, in an August 29 address. The Ecumenical Patriarch—recognized as the “first among equals” of the world’s Orthodox leaders—stressed the primary importance of ecumenical affairs, and reiterated that his role involves “protecting the unity of the whole Orthodox Church.” He said that opposition to ecumenic...

Armenians celebrate Liturgy in Mexico

( Armenian-WD ) - On Sunday, August 30, Archbishop Derderian celebrated the Divine Liturgy at Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Church in Mexico City marking it the first time that the Divine Liturgy of the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church was celebrated in the land of the Aztecs. Accompanying the Primate on his fifth pastoral visit to Mexico City were the Rev. Fr. Nerses Hayrapetyan, Pastor of St. Sarkis Armenian Church in Santa Clarita, Deacon Artak Khachikyan.

Pope of Rome concelebrates with Armenian Catholic Patriarch

Yes, the terminology used here is somewhat misleading. To many ears it sounds like the Catholic Church is having a Liturgy with the Armenians, but this is simply the concelebration of the heads of the Latin and Armenian Catholic Churches.

New monastery in the West Coast: Monastery of St. Silouan

( ROCOR-WAD ) - ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE BLESSING OF THE NEW MONASTERY OF ST. SILOUAN. (The following announcement will soon be available on the Western American Diocese's web site, , but as many are asking for details, I'm providing it here as well.) By the grace of God, a new men’s monastery of the Western American Diocese will be formally blessed following a service of the Divine Liturgy on the new monastery’s patronal feast day of St. Silouan the Athonite (11th / 24th September 2015). The festal Divine Liturgy will be concelebrated by the Diocesan Hierarch, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, and His Eminence’s Auxiliary, His Grace Bishop Theodosy of Seattle. Following the Liturgy a moleben will be served, with a procession and blessing of the whole of the 47.5-acre monastery property. The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia blessed the foundation of the Monastery of St. Silouan during its regu...

Russian Church can't get its cathedral back

( Moscow Times ) - St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg will remain the responsibility of the State Memorial Museum after city authorities decided not to transfer it into the care of the Russian Orthodox Church, as the Church had requested, the city governor's spokesman Andrei Kibitov wrote via Twitter on Wednesday. He published an official letter from the Deputy Governor Alexander Govorunov — acting governor while Georgy Poltavchenko attends the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok — stating that if the cathedral were operated by the Church, the maintenance costs would have to be covered by the city budget, and it is too great a burden in a “tough economic situation.” “Every year the museum spends up to 200 million rubles ($2.99 million) on restoration works and maintenance. It also pays up to 70 million rubles ($1 million) in taxes to the city budget. Urgent restoration works will require 750 million rubles ($11.2 million) — part of which will be budget funding — ...

Synaxis of Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne

( EP ) - From August 29-September 2, 2015, at the invitation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, a Synaxis of Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne gathered from all over the world at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Taksim Square. His All-Holiness delivered the Keynote Address to over 140 Hierarchs of the Throne, speaking to developments and challenges of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Orthodox Church in general during recent years. Introductions were presented by senior Metropolitans on ecclesiastical, pastoral and theological initiatives and ministries, including the forthcoming Holy and Great Council, the regional Assemblies of Bishops, the World Council and European Council of Churches, the Theological Dialogues with the Roman Catholic Church, the Pre-Chalcedonian Churches, the World Lutheran Federation, the Anglican Communion, the World Communion on Reformed Churches and the Old Catholic Church. Further presentations were delivered on contemporary vit...

Another OCA bishop accused of sexual impropriety

September 1, 2015 – Grass Lake, MI ( ROEA ) - The Episcopate Office has been notified by the Office for Review of Sexual Misconduct Allegations (ORSMA) of the Orthodox Church in America, that His Grace, Bishop Irineu (Duvlea), Bishop of Dearborn Heights and Auxiliary Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, is being investigated for allegations of sexual misconduct. His Grace Irineu is presumed innocent pending the outcome of the investigation. According to the Policies, Standards and Procedures (PSP) of ORSMA, His Grace Irineu has been placed on Leave of Absence and does not have a blessing to serve liturgically in our Episcopate or at any other location. The process is highly confidential, and no one should discuss the investigation with anyone. However, since this investigation is being made known to others by His Grace Irineu, the Episcopate decided to make a general public announcement about this matter. We pray for His Grace, Bishop Irineu and all those par...

Glorification of Ss. Mardarije and Sebastian


UGCC church in Canada completely destroyed by lightning

( UGCC-Edmonton ) - It is with a sad heart that I inform you that Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Parish in Spedden, Alberta has burned to the ground. At about 3:00 am. Friday morning, August 28 our church in Spedden was struck by lighting during a severe lighting storm. The volunteer fire department in Vilna arrived on the scene within 20 minutes of the call. Unfortunately at this point only part of the front wall was left standing. Who knew that our service on Sunday, August 23 would be out last service in this church. The hearts of our parishioners are grieving the loss of our beloved church. We now need to decide where we will continue to hold church services, at Vilna or Stry. Please keep us in your prayers. God’s Blessings, Fr. Don Bodnar