Bible study - petri dish of heresy
On the other side of things, I was just at St. Barbara's Greek Orthodox Church in Durham, NC and Fr. Stavroforos gave a wonderful homily on the right-thinking theology entrusted to us through the ecumenical councils. It is not enough to simply know that the councils are there, he said, but to be able to articulate to someone else what you and the Church believe and affirm. Bible study as a layman for me was always a bit of biting of the tongue and some overindulgence in the cookie tray. I gained a pound in weight and loss a few in faith of the orthodoxy of my fellow man. Durham, NC ( Babylon Bee ) - "Home Bible Study Leader Asks If Anyone Else Has Any Blatant Heresy They’d Like To Share" After enduring a sincere, thoughtful, and completely heretical response to an open question about the passage the group was studying, the man leading a home Bible study affiliated with Gracewinds Church reportedly asked if anyone else had any blatant heresy they’d like to share. “T...