Important words from Bp. Mark of Philadelphia
I was appalled to read a recent editorial insisting that all people wanting to return to mass (it was an at least ostensibly Catholic publication) must first be vaccinated with these new treatments. A surprising pronouncement considering that even our military personnel aren't being compelled to do so. And yet even some of our Orthodox camps are discussing "requirements" for counselor and staff positions this summer. I pray the Episcopal Assembly takes up the below wording as a pan-Orthodox level. ( OCA-DEPA ) TO BE READ FROM THE PULPIT, PUBLISHED IN THE BULLETIN AND POSTED ON PARISH WEBSITES Dear to God, Christ is in our midst! Greetings as we begin the third week of Great Lent. I pray your Lenten Journey is proving fruitful. The past year has truly been a rollercoaster ride for all of us and we need to be mindful and considerate of those suffering from isolation, fear, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and loneliness, as well as those who have lost loved ones. Additi...