Thoughts on the Great Fast

The first paragraphs from what I thought was an enjoyable read from Reading Notes . An Orthodox priest I know once said that the two most important questions in life are, “Does a bird fly because it has wings or does it have wings so it can fly?” and “What think ye of Christ?” I always thought it would be fascinating to ask a class full of contemporary students, though I doubt I will ever get the opportunity given my “field.” Maybe it’s unnecessary. I can already guess what some (most?) of the answers would be. Perhaps more distressing is the fact that so few would realize the central importance of both questions and that answering them ought to require more than passing reference to things “everybody” knows by the time they leave high school. Today is Cheesefare Saturday for Orthodox Christians, but just a few days ago it was Ash Wednesday for the Catholics and some miscellaneous Protestant confessions. Being an employee of the U.S.’s “largest Catholic university,” it wasn’t terribly ...