Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Russian delegations visits Alexandrian patriarchate

(mospat.ru) - On June 13, 2011, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Department for External Church Relations, paid a visit to the residence of Patriarch of Alexandria in Cairo. The DECR chairman was received in audience by His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria. In a warm talk held in an atmosphere of confidence, they discussed some issues concerning the bilateral relations between the Patriarchates of Alexandria and Moscow as well as matters of pan-Orthodox significance.


  1. I know that the Patriarch is over all of Africa but how many churches are in Egypt proper and are they under the same pressure as the Coptic Orthodox? Never hear anything about them.

  2. Nor I. Almost all they do is reported in Greek, though there is a small English section on their website.
