+ Prayer for Clergy Wives +
O Almighty and Sovereign Father, who have said that in quietness and trust we would find our strength* and who have given strength to the wives of Your servants in every age, from Elizabeth the wife of Zechariah in ancient days to Matushka Olga of Alaska in our own: bless Your handmaidens the clergy wives of Your Church, and fill them with Your joy. As they wait upon You, renew their strength**, and defend them from all assaults of visible and invisible enemies. Let them find refuge under the shelter of Your wings, that protected by Your love they may ever praise You. Give them courage and perseverance that they may pass victoriously through this age and finally receive their reward in the age to come. Grant this, O merciful Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with You and the all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, we ascribe all might, majesty, dominion, and power, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
*Isaiah 30:15 **Isaiah 40:31
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Hieromonk Alexander (Reichert)