Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Operation Buffalo launched by Diocese of New York

I am reminded of Bp. Michael's address on the state of the diocese. In particular I recall his lamenting the number of vocations, the money provided for seminarians, and the scarcity of vocations who choose to remain within the diocese. An important part of revitalization is having new priests to fill the spots left open when older priests retire, but so is revitalizing the parish buildings themselves.

(OCA-NYNJ) - “OPERATION BUFFALO” is a project of parish revival blessed by Bishop Michael, approved by the Diocesan Council, and supported through the “Vision for Our Future” and funding by our Distinguished Diocesan Benefactors. This will be a collaborative effort between Saints Peter and Paul Church in Buffalo NY and the diocese. A dedicated webpage has been created and contains details, printable flyers, contact information, and a “visual tour” of the parish complex. Faithful parishioners from throughout the diocese and their priests may volunteer to actively participate, or they may consider becoming a Distinguished Diocesan Benefactor to offer financial assistance. OPERATION BUFFALO will take place August 1-13, 2011.

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