Antiochian patriarch on Met. Joseph investigation
( Antiochian ) - No: 85/2022 To our beloved in the Lord, The hierarchs, priests, deacons, and spiritual children of our Holy Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, "Peace be to all!" I begin this letter with this greeting of peace, a greeting that we proclaim in every Divine Service. My desire is to express to you that we, in your Mother Church, where “the disciples were first called Christians” (Acts 11:26), are united with you always and in all circumstances, in the peace of Christ. This peace crosses all distances to reach you whenever we pray, and I hear in my heart your answer comes back to us: "And with thy spirit." The purpose of this is to remember together that this greeting that the servant of the altar addresses to you, together with your reply to him, proclaim the peace that unites the clergy and the laity at every Divine Liturgy. Our peace is Christ Himself. Christ embraces us in His Spirit as a pure, glo...