But... why?

Many moons ago I bought a book called All That a Greek Orthodox Should Know by Fr. Nicon D. Patrinacos, MA D. Phil.. I'm not Greek Orthodox so why did I buy it one might ask. Well, there is much to be loved about our Greek brothers - their history, philosophy, theology, liturgical practices, etc. Beyond that I thought I was buying a solid Orthodox text with a distinctive flavor I might not have come across before.
That's not what I got. Instead the book did a few things that had me audibly tsk-tsking. It fell into the standard traps that do nothing but foster continued division:

  1. Snide references to St. Augustine on things everyone knows have either been rejected in part or in whole just to spit on the West? Check! √

  2. Dismissive comments about hierarchical nature of Protestants and Catholics inserted for no real reason? Check! √

  3. A verbiage laden treatment of serious moral issues (abortion, contraception, etc.) where clear teaching is needed? Check! √

So all in all I was disappointed. What I was really looking for I actually got in the same book order, A Dictionary of Greek Orthodoxy by Fr. Nicon D. Patrinacos. Anyone who has even a passing interest in the Eastern Church should have this reference text; clear answers on numerous topics, Greek and English terminology side-by-side, and helpful pictures where appropriate.


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