God is with us! S'Nami Boh!

If you ever get a chance to watch "Byzantine Christmas" on EWTN do so. The Nativity Compline brought tears to the eyes of the show's hostess and with good reason. I am working on Christmas [gasps], but will probably not post then. Below is a grab-bag of Christmas related links. I post the Slavonic (or local Slavic language) as well as it has been requested in the past; even though I rarely use it at church or home.

S’nami Boh, Razumejte jazyci
I pokarjajtesja, Jako s’ nami Boh.

God is with us, give ear, O you nations;
Be humbled for God is with us.

Nativity Compline - Part 1 (Link to the complete recording)


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