Slovaks not big on insulting the Church

Maybe NPR could be placed under Slovakian government authority?
Bratislava, Jan 10, 2008 / 04:02 am (CNA).- A Slovakian television station has been fined two-million koruna ($88,400), for making fun of a Vatican document on Christian driving, Agence France Presse reports.

Slovakia’s broadcasting council said that a program on the commercial station Joj abused viewers’ religious sensibilities and was not objective.

The program targeted the 2007 document issued by the Pontifical Council for Migrants “Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road,” widely characterized by media reports as teaching the “Ten Commandments” of driving.

The program said that priests were “not the best experts” to give instructions on driving because the Vatican had "only two kilometers of highway and the last traffic accident was more than half a year ago."

Around two-thirds of Slovakians describe themselves as Catholic.


  1. Of course this was a feeble assault on the fact that religion is supposed to play an important part in every aspect of life.

  2. Indeed. I think they imagined small elderly priests driving around in Peugeots with wild abandon and this seemed funny to the TV people. As a Church we should be able to look at ourselves and poke a little fun at this and that on occasion.
    As a modern theologian said, "People ask me if the Catholic Church has done things it's not proud of over the years how can it claim to be the True Church inspired by the Holy Spirit. I tell them if it seemed perfect to us and never made any mistakes I'd be worried and would think that the Church was being led by the devil."
    Healthy debate is important as is the occasional swing to amused jibes. This reminds me; need to add your blog to my blogroll. Doing so now.


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