Archbishop Fulton Sheen on love

If love does not climb, it falls. If, like the flame, it does not burn upward to the sun, it burns downward to destroy. If sex does not mount to heaven, it descends into hell. There is no such thing as giving the body without giving the soul. Those who think they can be faithful in soul to one another, but unfaithful in body, forget that the two are inseparable. Sex in isolation from personality does not exist! An arm living and gesticulating apart from the living organism is an impossibility. Man has no organic functions isolated from his soul. There is involvement of the whole personality. Nothing is more psychosomatic than the union of two in one flesh; nothing so much alters a mind, a will, for better or for worse. The separation of soul and body is death. Those who separate sex and spirit are rehearsing for death. The enjoyment of the other's personality through one's own personality, is love. The pleasure of animal function through another's animal function is sex separated from love.

My wife was reading the preface to Three to Get Married to me in the car (we read to each other on occasion) by Archbishop Fulton Sheen and I liked it enough to post it here. He writes with a very organized style, which should be no surprise to anyone who has watched his television programs. The complete book is actually here for anyone who wants to read it.
In related news, his cause for glorification (canonization) was completed last Sunday at the diocesan level. Here's the website.


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