Constantinople and Russia argue over China

So, in essence Russia got there (mainland China) first, but lost positive control over the area as a result of the Chinese Communist Revolution. Now Constantinople wants its metropolia in Hong Kong to include mainland China (see my article on that here). Moscow has now put out a document (snippet below) calling this move by the First Among Equals to be "unfair and canonically illegitimate, causing damage to the peace and stability of the Holy Churches of God." Does this fall into the childhood category of "I just wanted to play with his toy! He wasn't even using it!"? It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
On January 9, 2008 the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople redefined the boundaries of the Metropolis of Hong Kong (established in 1996), having included the People's Republic of China and a number of Southeast Asian nations in it. In that way they declared instituting a new eparchial structure on the territory of the Chinese Autonomous Orthodox Church.

On April 15th at the Holy Synod meeting on the matter, there was made a special announcement (see №20)...
Entire article here.

I found the troparion and kontakion for the New Martyrs of China (above icon is of St. Mitrophan who, along with his family, was tortured by Chinese Boxers; he died of his injuries) to be quite telling:


In a pagan land ye were enlightened by the Orthodox Faith,
and having lived in the Faith but a little time,
ye inherited the eternal Kingdom.
By the purity of your Christian ways
ye put to shame the false Confucian piety
and trampled demon-inspired Buddhism underfoot as refuse,
sanctifying the Chinese land with your blood.
Wherefore, we pray:
Entreat the Master of all
that He enlighten your land with Orthodoxy in these latter times,
and strengthen us therein.


O Martyrs of these latter times,
ye whitened your garments in the blood of the Lamb,
and shed your own blood for Christ.
Wherefore, ye now minister unto Him day and night
in the Church of heaven.
Therefore, entreat Christ for us, O glorious Martyrs,
that He hide His little flock from the beguilement of Antichrist,
and that He lead all of us out of great tribulation
unto a land of never-waning light.

Having been to China and studied its history both in college and as a kung fu student the Boxer Rebellion and the story surrounding it are cast in quite different lights by the West and China. The Pope of Rome is opening doors for the Orthodox Church not open before and any discussion at all by the Churches of care for this very secular culture are to be lauded.


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