Moscow calls "Uniates" a barrier to dialogue.

June 23 (Interfax Article with translation by Voices from Russia) Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, the Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations believes that Uniate proselytism in the Ukraine and the missionary activity of certain Catholics amongst Orthodox in Russia and the CIS remains as a barrier to the dialogue between the MP and the Vatican, Interfax-Religion reported. “For some time, there have been a number of unresolved problems in our relations [with the Vatican]. The problems include, first of all, the unresolved conflict between Orthodox and Uniates in the Western Ukraine, and the unjustified expansion of Uniate proselytism into traditionally-Orthodox regions”, Vladyki Kirill said in an interview on the official website of the Archpastoral Council. If I may say (with some partiality here I admit) that this argument seems to swing both ways. Orthodox expansion is said to be reasonable and duty of the Orthodox Church to its people who take up residence across Europe, while Greek Catholic church building is an unwelcome intrusion into (this is the oft used phrased) "traditionally Orthodox areas". So when an Orthodox church is built in Rome or Paris it is a service, but if a Greek Catholic church were built in Moscow or Bucharest it would be an unforgivable intrusion into Orthodox jurisdictions.

According to Metropolitan Kirill, another “complex question” in these relations is “the missionary activity of some members of the Roman Catholic Church amongst Orthodox believers in Russia and CIS countries. In Russia, the joint Orthodox-Catholic Working Group has been working since 2004 to resolve such matters. We hope that its work bears fruit”, noted Metropolitan Kirill. He also stated that the dialogue between the MP and the Roman Catholic Church “contains within it our fervent optimism that we can join in the defense of traditional Christian moral values, a proper understanding of social and family relations, and the protection of human rights”. Metropolitan Kirill emphasized that “our standpoints on these matters are almost identical”. I applaud this flowering of goodwill on defending Christian morality. Some have called this the great hope against the tide of secular humanism and relativism.

As far as the relations of the MP with Protestant communities is concerned, Metropolitan Kirill said that they “are of a more complex nature due to different circumstances”, as many contemporary Protestants “tend to be extremely liberal in many aspects of their lives”, giving public blessings to same-sex “marriages” and ordaining practicing homosexuals [to the clergy]. “Unfortunately, such tendencies continue to spread throughout the Protestant communities in the West. If we are to successfully resist this attempt at total liberalization [of social mores], we need to unite the efforts of both Orthodox and those Protestants who have preserved their faith in the Evangelical traditions in their religious faith and secular life”, Metropolitan Kirill said.


  1. It is a bit more complex than that. In fact, it is so convoluted that I fear that any discussion of such would lead only to pointless controversy. It is, perhaps, one of the main obstacles that we Orthodox see in any cooperation with Rome.

    We wish to be good neighbours, certainly, we do not wish you ill, but, we do NOT share the Roman belief entirely, and that is often a stumbling block to many in the West.

    in all charity,

  2. A good point. There is a lot of complexity there. My parish priest is from Ukraine. Let me see what he has to say as one "on the ground" and dealing with these issues on a daily basis. If something novel comes up I'll post it after tomorrow's Divine Liturgy.

  3. At what point does the goodwill get used up and it is said firmly and with amendment that NO, we are not pleased with how Catholics - 3M strong before the revolution, decimated to 600K today - have been treated, and that Ortho-nationalism in the forms of modern foisting of the Imperium upon the state Church - up to and including duty-free sale of tobacco and alcohol - should be more than enough for the ROC... Why they have to vocally oppose us being us, always and everywhere up to and including blocking permits to build and refusing to return stolen churches...

    This has gotten VERY old.

  4. One day, hopefully soon, someone on the Catholic side should bring this matter up. Reciprocity is not only a catch phrase to use when talking to Muslims.

    They plant bishops everywhere and then have the cheek to call the rebuilding of Catholic communities decimated by the Communists (with the help of the local Orthodox Churches which re-absorbed them and their property) proselytism.

    Hilarion is Bishop of Vienna. What would that make His Eminence Christoph Cardinal Schonborn? Talk about traditional Catholic lands.

    Ecumenism is good and all but I think the Greek Catholics, martyred for so long deserve some justice, both from the Orthodox and from Rome which should stop treating them like the loony aunt that everyone is embarrassed about.


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