Per Christum on the Creeds

This post from Per Christum is worth a read.

The ancient creeds are defective? Apparently the Rev. John Beverly Butcher thinks so. He writes in Episcopal Life:

Perhaps you have noticed that the creeds speak of the birth of Jesus and then of his death. There is no mention of the life of Jesus, no mention of the teachings of Jesus, no mention of the healing power of Jesus.
The heart of the gospel is missing. The creeds are defective and need to be taken out of service. Instead, let us proclaim clearly the gospel of the Resurrected Jesus, “The seed of true humanity is within you. Follow it!” Gospel of Mary (Magdalene) 4:5

Butcher also omits the Nicene Creed from the worship services he conducts, saying that his congregation doesn’t even miss it. He even admonishes other clergy, saying, “I would encourage others to let go and feel the freedom.”


Complete article here.


  1. A logical progression. Once you think that you can modify the faith, why keep up appearances and pretences by reciting the Creed?

    BTW, shouldn't this get the Orthodox all in a bundle? These fellows aren't just adding a word but omitting the whole thing altogether.

  2. It's part of a larger egotism. Here's a section from the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth on a similar pronouncement:

    + In a pamphlet titled “Can Two Walk Together, Except They Be Agreed?,” a footnote says: “ECUSA’s [former] Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold admitted to the Philadelphia Inquirer that “the Episcopal Church is in conflict with Scripture.... So one would have to say that the mind of Christ operative in the church over time . . . has led the church to in effect contradict the words of the Gospel.” The Bishop of Pennsylvania [the Rt. Rev. Charles Benison] explained more bluntly that “we [the Church] wrote the Bible, and we can rewrite it.”

  3. Memo to Mr. Benison: The Episcopal Church did NOT write the Bible. In fact, they have done everything they can to unwrite it!


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