Saint Moses the Black
St. Moses the Ethiopian (also commonly called "the Black") is a favorite saint of our family. His life's story is easily understandable to our children and explains the importance of contrition, right action, and forgiveness. I post his Kontakion and Troparion below. Some people consider this just fluff, but the liturgy is the wellspring of learning. You learn quite a lot about the life of the saint and about what the Church finds important.
Troparion of Moses the Ethiopian - Tone 1
You made the wilderness your dwelling, O father Moses, the bearer of God.
You became an angel in the flesh and wonderworker.
Through fasts, vigils and pray'rs you obtained from God special graces to heal the sick and to sanctify the souls of those who come to you with trust.
Glory to the One who gave you strength!
Glory to the One who crowned you!
Glory to the One who through your intercession grants healing to all!
Kontakion of Moses - Tone 4
You upbraided your people and spat on the devil and brought them light brighter than the sun.
You guide our souls by the light of your life and thought.
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