Trial of “Pidhirtsi Fathers” finished
You may remember my earlier article "Schismatics attempt to take eparchial building over." This is another update.
(RISU) - A press conference on St. Yur’s Hill in Lviv on September 17th announced a guilty verdict in the “Pidhirtsi Fathers” trial.
In the beginning of June, the court opened the criminal trial of hieromonachs from the Order of St. Basil the Great: Illia A. Dohnal, Metodii R. Shpirzhik, Markiian V. Hitiuk and priest Robert Oberhauser. The Collective Tribunal of Sokal and Zhovkva Eparchies excommunicated the priests in trial. According to law, the sentence specified that “whoever consider themselves wronged by this sentence has a right to appeal within 15 days of the announcement of the sentence to the Tribunal of the Supreme Archbishop of UGCC at the address: Saint George Square, 5; city of Lviv, 79000; Ukraine." The accused priests appealed the sentence on June 12, 2008.
In the second court hearing, the Tribunal considered the appeal of accused priests concerning the sentences passed on August 29th. For the good of the Church, spiritual good of the faithful, and in the name of the Holy Trinity, the court recognized the legal arguments of the sentences but found the accused guilty. The priests were convicted of illegal assumption of authority and illegal administration of ministry (violation of can. 1462
...One who has obtained, conferred or usurped in any manner whatsoever, illegitimately retains, or has transmitted to others or carried out an office, a ministry or another function in the Church through simony, is to be punished with an appropriate penalty, not excluding a major excommunication...
CCEC), inciting rebellion against the local hierarchy, including Bishop Mykhail Koltun Major Archbishop of Kyiv and Halych Lubomyr Husar (violation of can. 1447 §1
...One who incites sedition and hatred toward any hierarch whatsoever or provokes his subjects to disobedience, is to be punished with an appropriate penalty, not excluding a major excommunication, especially if the offense was committed against a patriarch or indeed against the Roman Pontiff...
CCEC), and causing injustice and serious harm to the good reputation of the above-mentioned persons and to other hierarchs of the UGCC through slander (violation of can. 1452
Whoever has caused serious injury to another or seriously harmed another's good name with a calumny, is to be compelled to give appropriate satisfaction; but if such a person refuses, that person is to be punished with minor excommunication or suspension.
CCEC). The final sentence was excommunication.
"In consideration of other persons, spiritual and lay, who cooperated with and supported the mentioned priests, the Tribunal of the Major Archbishopric of the UGCC warns that their canonical status in the Catholic Church is under threat in view of the danger of joining to a group of persons who commit grave crimes. Therefore this Tribunal calls them to submit to the decision of the Bishop of the Sokal' and Zhovkva Eparchy of the Greek-Catholic Church and the hierarchy of this eparchy,” said the September 10th decree of Bishop Mikhail (Koltun).
"The sentence of the Church’s tribunal of the first and second instances demonstrates a painful fact for the Church, namely that, through ambitions, words, and behavior, the priests Illia A. Dohnal, A. Metodii R. Shpirzhik, Markiyan V. Hitiuk and Robert Oberhauzer put themselves beyond the church community, outside the limits of the Catholic Church. They said that they wish to reform the Church, to do good for it. However, through the methods of their acts they inflicted only harm and suffering on the Church’s body through confusion which was sown in the hearts of faithful by their statements. I sincerely hope that the judicial sentence will be an opportunity for them to consider and give a critical glance at their actions which led to such a sad result," said Patriarch Lubomyr to the Information Department of the UGCC.
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