Golden jubilee endes for Malankara Syrian Church
A little background provided by Wikipedia:
"The Syriac Orthodox Church is an autocephalous Oriental Orthodox church based in the Middle East with members spread throughout the world. It parted ways with Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism over the Council of Chalcedon, which the Syriac Orthodox Church rejects. It is a major inheritor of Syriac Christianity and has Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, as its official language. The church is led by the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch."
"Ignatius Zakka I Iwas is the 122th and reigning Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, and as such, Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church. Also known by his traditional episcopal name, Severios, he was enthroned as patriarch on 14 September 1980 in St. George's Patriarchal Cathedral in Damascus. He succeeded Ignatius Ya`qub III. As is traditional for the head of the church, Severios has adopted the name Ignatius.
Severios is known for his involvement in ecumenical dialogue. He is a president of the World Council of Churches and is also a prolific author. He was an observer at Second Vatican Council before becoming metropolitan bishop of Mosul. At the time of his election as patriarch, Iwas had been archbishop of Baghdad and Basra.
As patriarch, he established a monastic seminary, met with John Paul II during the Roman pope's trip to Syria in 2001, and installed numerous metropolitans, including Baselios Thomas I as Catholicos of India. He celebrated his Silver Jubilee in 2005."
"Catholicos Baselios Thomas I (July 22, 1929) is Maphriyono/Catholicos of the Syriac Orthodox Church and the regional head of Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church. His official title is Catholicos of India although sometimes called Catholicos of the East. It was on 26th July 2002 he was enthroned as the Catholicos and the head of the Church in India. He is the regional head of the 1.5 million Syriac Christians of India, a Christian community believed to have been established by Apostle St. Thomas in a place called Maliyankara, near North Paravur in South India in AD. 52."
"The Syriac Orthodox Church is an autocephalous Oriental Orthodox church based in the Middle East with members spread throughout the world. It parted ways with Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism over the Council of Chalcedon, which the Syriac Orthodox Church rejects. It is a major inheritor of Syriac Christianity and has Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, as its official language. The church is led by the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch."

Severios is known for his involvement in ecumenical dialogue. He is a president of the World Council of Churches and is also a prolific author. He was an observer at Second Vatican Council before becoming metropolitan bishop of Mosul. At the time of his election as patriarch, Iwas had been archbishop of Baghdad and Basra.
As patriarch, he established a monastic seminary, met with John Paul II during the Roman pope's trip to Syria in 2001, and installed numerous metropolitans, including Baselios Thomas I as Catholicos of India. He celebrated his Silver Jubilee in 2005."

Kochi, Oct. 19 (Syrian) - The year-long sacerdotal Golden jubilee celebrations of the Catholicos Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I, the regional head of the Syrian Christian Church of India, came to an end today with a grand reception given to His Holiness the Patriarch and His Beatitude the Catholicos at the Marine Drive grounds in Kochi. As many as 1,000,000 faithful attended the function held, to welcome His Holiness the Patriarch on his 4th Apostolic visit to India and to facilitate the Catholicos on his sacerdotal Golden jubilee.
The program started with the prayer song followed by the welcome speech by H.G. Mor Gregorios Joseph, the Secretary of the Malankara Synod and the Chairman of the celebration committee. Sr. V S. Achuthanandan, the honourable Chief Minister of Kerala State delivered the presidential address.
The grand meeting was inaugurated by the His Holiness Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, the Patriarch of Antioch & all the East and the Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church, by lighting the ceremonial lamp. The Patriarch, who profusely praised the contributions made by the present Catholicos to the growth of the Malankara Syrian Church, decorated him with icons and a ring as a mark of recognition and affection.
Speaking on the occasion the Patriarch said that the growing materialism and selfishness in the present world were destroying the bonds of love and tolerance, which previously existed among different nations and people. His Holiness added that ''some nations and people were becoming richer and richer and some poorer and poorer, and this had given rise to conflicts between nations and within a country.'' The world was changing very fast and the advancement in the field of science had enabled people to communicate easily creating more materialism and took people away from the path of God, he said. "The increased knowledge in science and technology should not take us away from God, but rather, take us closer to God who blesses us with such knowledge,'' he noted. The Patriarch exhorted the political and religious leaders, social workers to play a positive role by promoting and ensuring better understanding, better unity and co-operation among all people.Before addressing the faithful, the Patriarch moved through the middle of the capacity gathering to give apostolic blessings to the people on a vehicle. Slogans of "Long live the Malankara-Antioch relation" rend the air as the Patriarch gave his blessings.
Shri. Shivraj Patil, the Union Home Minister, Government of India delivered the key note Address. In his speech he said that the people has recognized the great service rendered by the Christian Church. It did the work of providing education and imparting fortitude to people to face the ups and downs of life. He also added that India is the land of philosophy of pluralism and Indians saw divinity in everything in the universe. While religions should unite, in some cases, it tended to divide people. These were occasions created by people who did not understand the essence of religion.
Representing the sister Episcopal churches, H.E. Dr. Daniel Acharuparambil, Archbishop of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Varapuzha and H.E. Dr. Thomas Samuel, the bishop of the Church of South India spoke.The other speakers were the honourable Ministers of State, Shri. Kodiyeri Balakrishnan, Shri. S Sarma, Shri. Mons Joseph, Shri. M A Baby and Shri. Binoy Viswam, the Opposition leader & the former Chief Minister of Kerala Shri. Oommen Chandy, KPCC President Shri. Ramesh Chennithala, BJP leader and former Union Minister Shri. O. Rajagopal and the honourable City Mayor Mrs. Mercy Williams.
At the end of the public function, His Beatitude the Catholicos Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas Ist, delivered the reply speech in which he thanked all for their love and sincerity to the Holy Church. The vote of thanks was made by Shri. Thambu George Thukalan, the Church secretary.
The function organized inside a massive 'pandal' and attended by scores of faithful ended by around 8.00 pm.
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