Obama... reason for hope?

NEW YORK (GOA) – The Office of Interfaith Relations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America released a statement in response to a recent headline in the Press which read “The anticipated victory of Obama in the U.S. elections signals the end of Jewish domination. Everything changes in the USA and we hope that it will be more democratic and humane.”

The statement reads: “For decades, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese has been a leader in inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue. This ministry of the Archdiocese is part of the wider witness of the Ecumenical Patriarchate around the world which works for reconciliation and mutual understanding among all peoples. We are opposed to the language of bigotry, hatred and anti-Semitism in any form by any media. Furthermore, an association of this kind of language with an election in the United States that clearly witnesses to how far prejudice has been abolished is deplorable and rejectable.”


  1. In exactly which publication(s) did that headline run?

  2. Josephus, I have a question of clarification. So you agree with the Greek publication's headline? I enjoy your blog by the way.

  3. Not at all. I understand - having read the Greek Orthodox opinion on the treatment of Palestinians in general and Orthodox in particular - their opinion, but do not see that either side (Arab or Jew) should rejoice in Obama's rise to the presidency as a long awaited salvation.

    Thanks for posting!


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