AOI comments on latest letter in Greek / OCA tête à tête

(AOI) - In what can only be described as a radical restructuring of an increasingly public discussion, Met. Gerasimos (GOA, San Francisco) blasts Met. Jonah (OCA) for his recent criticism of the address by Fr. Elpidophoros Lambriniadis at Holy Cross Seminary last month. In the address, Fr. Elpidophoros laid out the rationale for submission of all American Orthodox Christians to Constantinople in what can be generously described as exclusively ethnic terms.

Met. Gerasimos addresses none of Met. Jonah’s criticisms or Fr. Elpidophoros’ rationale. Instead, Met. Gerasimos frames the discussion in terms of the “persecution” of the Constantinopolitan Church, which, he contends, “…has shown us that the Ecumenical Patriarchate must now concern itself not only with attacks by those outside the Church, but also from within the Church, as well.”

No mention is made of the historical and canonical claims made by Fr. Elpidophoros. Neither does Met. Gerasimos address the worldwide resistance to Constantinople’s reading of Canon 28 (see articles), the reduction of Hellenism to Greek ethnic identity, or the servitude of Patriarchal and GOA leaders to the national interests of the Greek state.

Any analysis or criticism of Constantinople’s historical and canonical claims are tantamount to persecution of the Church Met. Gerasimos says in so many words. Is he trying to shut down discussion?

Complete article including letter here.


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