Patriarch Lyubomyr ready to meet Patriarch Kiril

I used Google Translator for this. Apologies for the oddities. Original text here.

(portal-credo) - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Lyubomyr (Guzar) stands ready to meet with the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kiril (Гундяевым) during his visit to Ukraine, only if both sides will want this and will not raise "preconditions." This UGCC Supreme Archbishop spoke in an interview with Ukrainian weekly Тиждень.

Replying to a question from a correspondent, Lubomir Guzar noticed that he did not "flee" from the meeting and spoke about the comic, in his view, the situation where the late Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Alexy (Ridiger), did not want to meet with the Roman popes. Chapter UGCC remembered for the historic meeting of Pope Paul VI and Patriarch of Constantinople Afinagora in 1965, which turned out to be possible without great diplomacy and the terrible conditions. "

UGCC added that would be very pleased to meet with Patriarch Kiril "without a witness in one room and just talk."


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