An image explained
From Fr. John Whiteford's blog:
Of course most Orthodox people know, IC XC NIKA means "Jesus Christ Conquers".
Sin Bozhie = Son of God.
Tsar Slavie = King of Glory.
K T = Kopie and Trost, which means "Spear and Reed"
M L R B = Mesto Lobnoye Raj Byst', which means "The place of the skull became paradise."
G A = Golova Adam, which means "The Head (or Skull) of Adam".
Sin Bozhie = Son of God.
Tsar Slavie = King of Glory.
K T = Kopie and Trost, which means "Spear and Reed"
M L R B = Mesto Lobnoye Raj Byst', which means "The place of the skull became paradise."
G A = Golova Adam, which means "The Head (or Skull) of Adam".
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