Special Committee formed for St. Tikhon's investigation

SYOSSET, NY (OCA Communications) - A further step in the ongoing investigation into the financial crisis at Saint Tikhon's Monastery, South Canaan, PA, initiated by the OCA's Holy Synod of Bishops earlier this year, has been taken with the formal establishment of a Special Committee.

The committee is charged with determining the nature and extent of possible financial mismanagement alleged to have occurred at Saint Tikhon's Monastery during the past several years.

As previously stated by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, "evidence of financial mismanagement and possible wrongdoing" had been discovered, leading to disciplinary actions against certain employees.

Metropolitan Jonah also had emphasized that "the Holy Synod wants to continue the investigative process as transparently as possible."

With the blessing of Metropolitan Jonah, the Special Committee is being chaired by His Grace, Bishop Nikon of Boston, New England, and the Albanian Archdiocese. Committee members include Archpriests Michael Matsko, John Steffaro, and Mark Sherman; Priest Steven Vernak; and Mr. Larry Skvir, with Mr. Sergei Givotovsky, a member of the Metropolitan Council Legal Committee, serving as legal advisor.

The Special Committee will present its final report to members of the Holy Synod and Metropolitan Council later this year.


  1. Oh dear! I had been completely unaware that St Tikhon's had suffered in this way. I do pray that everything is resolved in an honest manner with a resolve to restore it to the state where there will be no worries about the spiritual welbeing of those who work, study, and grow there.

  2. I pray for the same. The emphasis on transparency and this sort of formal process is important and I hope it closes another chapter on the sad and embarrassing stain of stealing from the Church.

  3. corruption is corruption why not have a fraud investigation from the district attorney. why do we let the church steal and abuse without civil action.


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