Diocese of the South (OCA) assembly updates

Day 1 - July 21st
Atlanta, GA (DOSOCA) - His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, Locum Tenens of the Diocese of the South led the meeting of the DOS Diocesan Council here in preparation for the meetings of the Assembly to begin on Thursday here.

The Council approved for presentation to the Assembly several changes to the DOS Uniform Parish Bylaws and three financial resolutions. Additionally, the Council passed the proposed 2010 DOS Budget Option 2 which includes the elimination of the OCA Assessment starting next year. The DOS will pay the OCA Assessment from Tithes given to the DOS from parishes. In return, the diocese is asking for a “real tithe” from parish income, reducing the number of restricted funds that presently may not be tithed to the diocese.

If passed, the proposal will return the DOS to its original funding obligations first established in 1978 but abandoned in the early 1980’s when the OCA Assessment took too much of the DOS budget to maintain diocesan work. At that time, the OCA Assessment was “passed on” via the “head tax” to be collected on the parish level.

The Diocesan Council also passed a motion to establish an Episcopal Search Committee to include the Diocesan deans and the Diocesan chancellor. His Beatitude cautioned that such a committee "must act circumspectly and prayerfully in discerning God's" while vetting potential candidates that will be presented to a future regular or special DOS Assembly. His Beatitude went on to say that such a process is "not a popularity contest."

Archpriest Philip Reese and Mr. Gary Popovich, outgoing members of the Metropolitan Council, reported to the Diocesan Council on their work. Both played key roles in assisting the Church Administration in New York navigate the past few challenging years. The Metropolitan sincerely thanked Fr. Reese and Mr. Popovich for their sacrificial efforts.

After Vespers, served at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, His Beatitude met with diocesan young adults before addressing the DOS clergy in a lively question and answer period including the search for the next hierarch for the diocese.

On Wednesday, the Assembly will continue with the Divine Liturgy in the morning and workshops in the afternoon. On Wednesday evening, His Beatitude will present his Keynote Address, which is open to the public. All meetings and liturgical services are being held at Annunciation Cathedral.
Day 2 - July 22nd
Atlanta, GA (DOSOCA) - Day Two of the 2009 DOS Assembly concluded tonight with the Assembly Keynote Address presented by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah. The theme of the Address was “Spiritual Maturity in Christ.” (Listen here)

An audience of 300+ nearly filled Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral to listen to the Locum Tenens of the Diocese of the South. At one point in the presentation, His Beatitude asked the gathered, “How many of you were born Orthodox?” Of the 300+ only 10 raised their hands! That is 2.5% of the audience - a truly remarkable yet significant indication of the missionary reality of the DOS.

The day began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. Prior to the Liturgy 4 men were tonsured readers, with two then set-aside as sub deacons. During the Liturgy, Gerry Sondergard, the twin brother of Archpriest George Sondergard, was received into the Orthodox Church by confession of Faith and the Rite of Vesting. Deacon Sondergard was a Byzantine Catholic deacon.

The rest of the day was spent in a series of Workshops on various topics including: Pastoral Care and Contemporary Sexual Issues, Couplehood as a Spiritual Path and Evangelism and Discipleship through Traditional Orthodox Architecture. Prior to the Workshops, a Hearing on the proposed 2010 DOS Budget and Parish Financial Development.

Tomorrow, the DOS Assembly business meetings will begin with a morning and afternoon plenary sessions before the evening banquet. The Assembly concludes on Friday with the Divine Liturgy celebrated at St John the Wonderworker Church in downtown Atlanta.


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