On the Episcopal Assembly in South America
Apologies for the translation, done by Google Translate.
(Ecclesia News) - Days 16 17 and April 18 will be marked in the history of the Orthodox Church in South America by the end of "First Assembly of Bishops of the Orthodox Churches in South America." The event was held at the headquarters of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of São Paulo (Brazil), hosted by Dom Damaskinos Mansour. Participated in this meeting, the bishops of the Orthodox Churches present in South America (Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Patriarchate of Antioch, Patriarchate of Moscow Patriarchate of Romania), represented by 10 hierarchs. The absence of the bishop of the Patriarchate of Serbia was justified by his participation in the meeting of the Holy Synod of Serbia.
The purpose of the Meeting was to implement the resolution of the 4th Conference in Chambésy (Switzerland) in 2009, the Orthodox Churches, in order to create worldwide Meetings of Bishops for a greater witness of Orthodoxy and the coordination of joint activities in different areas (catechesis, education, translations of liturgical texts, relations with public authorities etc.). This meeting dealt with the adoption of a Spanish version of the documents approved in Chambésy and made a presentation of the situation of each Orthodox Church in South America The Assembly has created an executive committee that was constituted as follows: Sun Athenagoras of Mexico - Patriarchate Constantinople (Chair), Don Antonio Mexico - Patriarchate of Antioch (1 st Vice President) Don Plato de Buenos Aires - Moscow Patriarchate (2nd Vice President) Don Siluan Buenos Aires - Patriarchate of Antioch (Secretary); Don Tarasios Buenos Aires - Patriarchate of Constantinople. Concluding the deliberations, the Assembly made a number of recommendations to be addressed at interortodoxo. Without doubt, the climax of the meeting was to celebrate the Divine Liturgy Sunday at the Cathedral of St. Paul Antiochian, which had the participation of all Orthodox communities of San Paul dignitaries and representatives of various civil authorities, military and church in the country.
The Assembly welcomed, in particular, Brazil's President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, for her diligence and deference to express in a statement sent to the Assembly their votes the success of this first meeting in favor of communities throughout South America In addition, the Assembly thanked Don Damaskinos for their fraternal welcome, hospitality and commitment to the organization, as well as those of the Syrian-Lebanese community of São Paulo for the affection and attention to Assembly participants.
Polish Orthodox Bishops ignored.
ReplyDeleteThe Episcopal Assembly in South America is like the one here-an exercise by the Patriarchate of Constantinople to grab power and build itself into the Vatican of Orthodoxy,complete with an all powerful Orthodox Pope.
ReplyDeleteThe upcoming "Great & Holy Council," which will cause great problems and be far from Holy (Google "Great & Holy Council-Saint Justin Popovich" if you dont believe me!). The Episcopal Assemblies will be insturcted on how they are to act and vote at the Council. It is interesting that at this Council, the Patriarchate of Constantinople will have more Bishops/Voting Delegates present than will, for example the Romanian Orthodox Church. The Romanian Church represents 19 million Orthodox Christians, the Patriarchate of Constantinople's flock is an infinitesimal percentage of that of Romania-yet Constantinople will have more voting delegates than Romania. Looks like the day of "First Among Equals" has passed, and the day of "First, period" is here. This power play is being doneprimarily as Constantrinople;s hope to gainprestige among the non-Orthodox to drum up suport among them and ease the situation in Tirkey, where the Patriachate is being persecuted. Perhaps instead of trying to be Pope, the Patriarchate of Constantinople should cease its persecutions of Orthodox Monastics on Mount Athos. One cant get too excited when a persecutor cries persecution. Apparently, international treaties and the Mt Athos Charter, along with the Holy Canons, mean nothing to Constantinople. Get it over with and join up with the real Pope, just dont try to take us with you!
An ineresting interview (I never thought it possible!) given by Met Philip Saliba of the Antiochian Archdiocese - on the Episcopal Assemblies and upcoming "Great & holy," Pjilip tells us that a deal has already beenbrokered between Constantinople & Moscow-Constantinople will saty out of Estonia & Ukraine (the plum Moscow does not want picked) and Constantinople will get the Met Philip's interview was on Ancient Faith Radio-do the search, read it and weep-dont take my word! And, my last word is-me, under Constantinople? Never!
I know, my typing leaves a lot to be desired-the above should read-Constantinople will stay out of Estonia and Ukraine, leaving them to Moscow. And Constantinoplpe will get the Diaspora!