'Taught by God' to be published in May

(STOTS) - The second book in his series, Taught by God: An Introduction to Orthodox Theology written by Dr. Harry Boosalis will be published by STS Press in May 2010.

A preview of the book is as follows:

"The present study is comprised of preliminary lectures in Orthodox theology. While intended for first-year Master of Divinity students at St. Tikhon's Seminary, its introductory level of approach and reader-friendly style is suitable for anyone interested in the ancient spirituality of the Christian East.

"Based on Holy Scripture and patristic teaching, this study refers to the writings of a variety of Orthodox theologians, especially those from Eastern European backgrounds. This book is original in that it preserves its teaching purpose by maintaining a practical approach as well as an appropriate level of language.

"Taught by God: An Introduction to Orthodox Theology is ideal for any layman who seeks to introduce himself to, or increase his knowledge of, the Orthodox approach to theology and spirituality.

"Harry M. Boosalis is Professor of Dogmatic Theology at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania."


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