(OCA-NYNJ) - A Diocesan Office of Communications was established, effective May 18, 2010, by His Grace, Bishop +Michael. Appointed as Director of Communications is Father Ken James Stavrevsky. In establishing this office, His Grace stated:
“In this day and age, it is so vital and essential that our clergy and faithful are made aware of the decisions and work of the Church at the national, diocesan, deanery, and parish levels. This is so not only because of the availability of advanced modern technology, but also because of the fact that this was always the case from the beginning of the Church -- the Good News of the Faith was communicated in the four accounts of the Gospels and in the events detailed in the Acts of the Apostles.”
In this, the first official release issued by the Office of Communications, we hope to outline some guidelines and operating principles to facilitate maximum positive outcomes from our efforts. Obviously, communication involves a sender and a receiver. Success demands that the communication be conveyed and understood. Our office will strive diligently to maintain accurate email addresses for all diocesan clergy and use electronic means (email) as the primary vehicle of conveyance. This release is being distributed by both email and US Mail according to the addresses we have on file; if you do not receive this release by either of these modes of communication, you may assume we do not have your correct address information on file. All clergy of the diocese are encouraged to maintain an active e-mail account toward this end. In light of this, two things are vitally important: (1) if you do not have or choose not to use electronic communications for the reception of communications from this office, please notify us (contact information below) immediately so arrangements can be made to have all communications sent to you via US Mail; (2) please ensure that any changes to your e-mail address are reported to this office (such notification should also include the respective Dean and Chancellor).
Releases from this office are intended for wide dissemination among the clergy and faithful of the diocese. Your assistance and cooperation in making these communications available to those under your spiritual care is requested. All releases will be sent electronically to the clergy and, the next day, be accessible by link on the Diocesan Webpage.
All inputs for publication on the Diocesan Website should be submitted and coordinated through this office. Any inquiries or questions regarding the development or maintenance of a parish website would be welcomed and we promise assistance to any parish seeking to use the Internet to enhance their outreach in ministry.
Releases from this office will neither replace nor eliminate official correspondence sent directly from His Grace, the Chancellor, Treasurer, Deans, or others in the Diocese as required. The scope of these communications is limited to topics of general interest and importance in the life of our diocese. We hope to share the activities, thoughts, and guidance of His Grace; the work and actions of the Diocesan Council; and perhaps more as we move forward.
A report on the Diocesan Council meeting of 17 May 2010 is being prepared for release; you should receive it within one week.
Please address any of your comments, questions, or concerns directly to this office.
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