"Why Orthodox Men Love Church"

I won't post it here as the formatting would take too long to do and I wouldn't be able to do justice to the layout in general. Read it here:


  1. I verymuch enjoyed that, and found much of it rang true, some of it I didn't quite agree with but realised that the comments were subjective, based on individuals' own experiences, and some of it referred to western traditions I have never known personally, so it was somewhat educational. I very much enjoyed it until I got to one of the comments in which one man referred to "the feminized pictures of Jesus I grew up with", adding "I’ve never had a male friend who would not have expended serious effort to avoid meeting someone who looked like that."

    I would politely suggest that this gentleman needs to get some new friends.

  2. "For centuries in the West, men who chose the ministry have been stereotyped as effeminate"
    Unfortunately, it has gone beyond stereotyping or perception. Most Roman Catholic priests I have known have become the stereotype. Even on EWTN most of the priests come across that way. There are grand exceptions such as Father John Corapi and Father Benedict Groeschel come across as masculine. Look at most of the ones celebrating Holy Mass, they move and talk in what we , growing up in the midwest, called 'sissified'. Very sad. I have never encountered this in the Orthodox Church or even the Byzantine Catholic Church. Their may be some but I don't encounter them.

  3. I actually find John Corapi's manner quite intimidating initially. After a few minutes, I usually adjust to it but I do have to consciously get past that initial reaction in order to hear his message. It's just his manner and I would never wish to fault him for that but it isn't something I would hold up as some sort of ideal.

  4. Being RC, and having read Podles book and being one with a huge interest in the Christian east I found this post to be very accurate. However I have been to Greek Orthodox Church before and found it to be as wishy washy as some liberal protestant churches (maybe I got the wrong picture, but it had that vibe).

    Also I wonder if that a focus on those things that appeal to men is always 100% good. I.E. there is the joke about the group of young Russian Orthodox men walking out of church complaining about how they can't find a good orthodox wife only to see a flock of good looking russian ladies (wondering the same thing about finding a husband) walking out of the Slavic Baptist Church across the street...


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