A picture I never expected to see

(mospat.ru) - On the morning of February 11th a meeting of Metropolitan Hilarion and former U.S. President George W. Bush was held. They spoke for over an hour. The two sides exchanged views on a wide range of issues. In particular, the DECR chairman shared his vision for the inter-Christian dialogue, stressing the need to work together representatives of different Christian denominations in the preservation of traditional moral values. To commemorate the meeting the chairman of the DECR gave former President George Bush his book "Orthodox Christianity: The History and Canonical Structure" in English and a commemorative box with an image of the Kremlin.


  1. Can't find the book listed any where. Sure that's the title?

  2. I think this is the one:


  3. A fellow in our parish just came back from visiting Mt Athos. He relates that a monk told him about the gigantic yacht which anchored near the mountain last summer. The yacht was full of rich folks, among them GHW & Barbara Bush and their son & Roman Catholic daughter-in-law. The men were received in one of the monasteries, and the monks took their relics to the yacht so the women could venerate them. It was quite the story, and evidently not uncommon.


  4. Yes, "ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY" available on St. Vladimir Seminary Press website. Thank you. Not another location yet.

  5. We were blessed to have Met Hilarion tonight at St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral in Dallas with Met Jonah, Abp Dmitri and many fine priests from many Orthodox Churches for Vigil. I am not surprised at all that former President Bush and he would meet. They are both devout Christians and seek common ground with all Christians and helping to establish values which are based in Christianity and are the foundation of health. Tomorrow night we will be blessed to hear his St. Matthew Passion, God being our helper. Glory to God for this splendid week-end.

  6. Apologies for any confusion on the book title. The translation was not mine, but the grammatical rejiggering was. The original text called the book "Православие" (Orthodoxy) and I didn't think to change it.

    I was sorry not to have been able to make it to the cathedral tonight. My wife's health wouldn't permit it. I hope pictures, transcripts, video, etc. are available soon!

  7. Is this Metropolitan an active Ecumenist? No offense intended I am jsut curious.

  8. He's ecumenical by virtue of his position (director of the ROC's Department for External Church Relations), but he is not an ecumenist of the "anything for unity" variety. His belief is that, as Christians, many denominations can and should work together on shared moral points and fight the encroachment of secularism.

  9. He is also off-the-charts brilliant. May God grant him many years.

  10. A Sublime Beginning to Lent
    St. Matthew Passion by Met Hilarion
    The Last Supper Part 1 (of 48)


    Come, let us sing holy laments to Christ. Alleluia.
    Lord my God, I will sing to Thee a funeral song.
    Thine all-holy Mother weeps for Thee, lamenting.

  11. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the music last night. The glorious composition is hauntingly beautiful. It speaks to your soul. I wanted to drift up on its thrilling sounds and float with them. The standing audience shouted "bravos" to him and the musician performers.
    I am so grateful to God that I was a witness to the brilliance of Met. Hilarion. He is truly blessed by God.


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