New UGCC patriarch elected, name sent to Rome

(RISU) - On the fourth day of the Electoral Synod of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church bishops made ​​a choice, unoffical source informed RISU. However, there is no official confirmation of elections from the Vatican yet, and name of new head of UGCC is not disclosed. Now bishops are waiting for a response from the Apostolic See.

As already reported, it is necessary to receive two thirds of the votes in order to be elected. The Particular Law of UGCC reduces this requirement to absolute majority after twelve futile votes. When the requirement is reduced to the absolute majority, the number of candidates should be reduced to two ones with the largest number of votes.

The elected person will have two days to accept or reject the choice. Rejection will lead to complete loss of these rights; however, the person can be reelected. The elected bishop will send his own letter to the pope for the approval of the election. After receiving the confirmation, he makes the confession of faith and oath to zealously fulfill his responsibility before the Synod of Bishops. After the proclamation of his election, the enthronement of the new head of the UGCC will be held according to the liturgical books.

Let us remind that at a press conference on February 10 in Kyiv, Patriarch Lubomyr Husar stated that on that day Pope Benedict XVI accepted his abdication of the post of the Supreme Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The head of the UGCC submitted to the pope the request in this regard when he turned 75.


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