Surprise! People don't like crucifixes in urine.

(FaithWorld) - A controversial photograph of a crucifix submerged in the urine of New York artist Andres Serrano has been vandalized during an exhibit in Avignon and the museum’s employees have received death threats.

Piss Christ” — a photograph that sparked an uproar when first exhibited in the United States in 1989 — was damaged Sunday “with the help of a hammer and an object like a screwdriver or pickaxe,” said the Collection Lambert, a contemporary art museum in France’s southwestern city known for its theater festival.

Moreover, the three vandals physically threatened three museum guards before fleeing, the museum said in a statement. A second photograph, “The Church,” which depicts the torso of a nun with her hands in her lap, was similarly vandalized. The museum, which shut its doors immediately after the incident, said it would reopen on Tuesday and display the damaged works “so the public can appreciate for themselves the violence of the acts.”

“Several people have called saying, ‘If you open, you’re dead,’” one museum worker told Reuters. “We’re nervous and we have asked for protection from the police.”

On Saturday, the museum was forced to close after a demonstration against the artist’s work drew some 800 protesters . The bishop of Avignon had earlier demanded that the museum remove the controversial photograph.

Most recently, several of Serrano’s works were vandalized in 2007 during an exhibit at a Swedish art gallery. In 1997, an Australian art gallery in Melbourne closed the exhibition after the photograph “Piss Christ” was attacked by a youth wielding a hammer.

What do you think about this? Are there parallels to the issue of blasphemy in Islam? What should civilian authorities do in such cases?


  1. I think that the relatively mild response to this outrage compared to the response to the picture of Mohammed a couple of years ago says much about our faith. Our religion is not about honor or worldly esteem. On the contrary, our Savior's entire ministry was a humble self-abasement. There is no ridicule, no degradation, that this world can hurl at our Lord that He has not already faced -- and conquered. Rather than facing this sort of offense with violence or retaliation, we embrace the Cross along with our Lord. "Thou wast beaten on the shoulders, yet I shun Thee not. Thou wast nailed to the Cross, and I do not conceal it. I boast in Thine arising, for Thy death is my life. O Lord Who lovest mankind, glory to Thee!"


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