A journey to the Orthodox Church

A look through the journey from Campus Crusade for Christ to the Evangelical Orthodox Church to the Antiochian Archdiocese.

(YouTube) - The American youth culture exploded during the 60s and 70s. College campuses were brimming with students eager to explore all that life has to offer. As this new generation formed its identity, some underwent a spiritual awakening.

A close-knit group of Christians, who had found the faith during their college years, followed seven former campus ministers on a journey to discover what they called, the "New Testament Church." Decades later, they never expected where this journey would take them.
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


  1. Unfortunately not all of us that entered in with excitement in our souls found what these few have. I do not mock or laugh or say negative things about them. What worked for them didn't work for me. No one to blame but myself I guess.
    Indeed, GOD grant them MANY YEARS!

  2. This is the parish, and the people, that brought me into the Orthodox Church some 6 years after their own entry. My daughter is pictured in one of the segments (I don't recall which - she was 4 or 5 at the time).


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