British Isles Episcopal Assembly met in London

(ROC-UKIE) - The fifth meeting of the Pan-Orthodox Episcopal Assembly for Britain and Ireland took place at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Dormition, Wood Green, London on May 10th, 2012. Among other matters, the Assembly discussed a draft response to the current Government consultation on Equal Civil Marriage (Same-Sex Marriage) prepared by its Pastoral Committee, of which Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh is currently the Chairman. The response analyses the proposed change to the law on marriage in the context of the progressive weakening of the traditional understanding of marriage and family life and expresses the conviction of the Orthodox Church that the divinely-inscribed patterns of human relationship cannot be ignored without negative consequences for society as a whole.

The Assembly unanimously approved the document, which is to be signed by the Chairman, Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain, and sent to the Home Secretary and other interested parties.


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